I posted a 9.1 MB, 58 page, PDF to our website.
The staff member who created the PDF reported to me that the image on the next to last page was not showing up, displaying a white background instead. They are using Chrome Windows.
I was able to reproduce this in Chrome Mac but not in Chrome Windows. On a later attempt in Chrome Mac, I lost the image on the last two pages, not just the next-to-last page.
However, if I download the file to my local machine, Chrome Mac doesn't lose the image either.
And if I do a diff on the file I originally uploaded to the website and the file I downloaded from the website through the Chrome Mac browser, they are, as expected, bit identical.
If I extract the page from the PDF and upload it to the website, it doesn't display the issue.
Why is the image disappearing and is there any way to prevent it?