Bing Search results that include this PDF...


Look like this (wrong title - "Deei" instead of "Depression", gibberish instead of saying "Permafold").... Deei

Search results that include this PDF


Look like this (complete nonsense for the title)

enter image description here

The results look fine in Google, and the documents look fine in Adobe Reader, as well as Chrome and Firefox's native viewers. Why is this happening and is there anything we can do about it?

Here's the bing search: https://www.bing.com/search?q=%22is%20not%20meant%20to%20take%20the%20place%22%20site%3Auawtrust.org&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=%22is%20not%20meant%20to%20take%20the%20place%22%20site%3Auawtrust.org&sc=0-50&sk=&cvid=E3473DA56AA0471B8257EE59BB1A115C

1 Answer 1


Looks like you have not optimised the PDF for search engines as there is no meta information on the document. I have added a screenshot of what search engines will be seeing.

This can be updated with most PDF readers.

enter image description here

If you want to make sure the whole document is SEO optimised, I would recommend this article by MOZ. How to Optimize PDF Documents for Search

Checklist for PDF Optimization:

  1. Search-friendly filenames
  2. Keyword-optimized titles
  3. Informative, concise descriptions
  4. Company name in "Author" field
  5. Use several relevant keywords in "Keyword" field
  6. Make sure to fill out all available fields - there is an option to view "Additional Metadata" (in Adobe Acrobat)
  7. Add tags to and accessibility options to your document
  8. Don't forget about Alt tags for images
  9. Add links back to relevant pages on the main website Write-protect the document
  10. Offer HTML version of the document


  • Thanks, that's very helpful, and I'll have our content people do that... although it won't help with Bing garbling the the text in the text snippet :-(
    – mhenry1384
    Commented Jul 11, 2018 at 13:53

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