Following up on a related question: When you register for an Internet domain within the "sunrise" period that trademark owners can use (this period is often 30 days), you need an SMD file to prove your ownership. Such files are issued by trademark clearinghouses (TMCH).
My question is, how do I obtain an SMD file for my business, the easiest way? ICANN links to And this is the only TMCH I've found so far. (Are there any alternatives?) However, registering for an account there seems very scary as some options call for a deposit of $15,000 just for registering. Why?
Also, does the SMD need to correspond exactly to the legal name of my business or could it be a variation thereof? For instance, if I hold the trademark of "Acme Corp", could I get a SMD file for acme
or does the trademark only entitle me to an SMD for acmecorp