I would like to know how to extract particular field of data from the REST API.
I would like to get the "bits-per-second-tx" data, only and I have tried
However, it is still given me all the information.
The main reason for extraction information is that I am trying to plot a graph based on the "bits-per-second-rx" data on the my web page. I am trying produce real-time graph base on the "rx" on my web page. Is that possible? I can parse the following data from the REST api using
"curl http://linK..../json | python -m json.tool"
[{"dpid":"00:00:00:00:00:00:00:03","port":"1","updated":"Tue Mar 28 03:08:46
PDT 2017","bits-per-second-rx":"60","bits-per-second-tx":"60"},
{"dpid":"00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01","port":"1","updated":"Tue Mar 28 03:08:46
PDT 2017","bits-per-second-rx":"60","bits-per-second-tx":"60"},
{"dpid":"00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02","port":"1","updated":"Tue Mar 28 03:08:46
PDT 2017","bits-per-second-rx":"0","bits-per-second-tx":"126"},
{"dpid":"00:00:00:00:00:00:00:04","port":"1","updated":"Tue Mar 28 03:08:46
PDT 2017","bits-per-second-rx":"60","bits-per-second-tx":"60"}]
I only want the information of "bits-per-second-rx", how should I achieve that?
Thank you.