I know this kind of questions has been asked many times, and I know Google changes the title of the page according to the search query and page's content.
I read many articles about this topic, like this :
Review your page titles and snippets
But my problem is that I think my on-page SEO is pretty good, and my title tag is the exact thing that I want to users see in the Google search result page. But Google adds my site's name in the beginning of the title of results and as I said, I don't want it at all.
As I know, now (Aug 2014), there is no way to tell Google not to change the title of page in the results and show my exact title
Of course I wish there was something like :
<meta name='areYouSureYourTitleOk' value="Yes,Dont change it,I beg you" />
, but there isn't.
But there must be some way to do this, I mean maybe some changes in my title or meta tags, or even my contents can convince google that my title is the best title possible for the page.
So please help me on this, is there a way or not ?