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Unanswered Questions

344 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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SEO Structure of a Forum Built with Javascript Library

Imagine that I am developing a forum etc. with any javascript library. When we enter a profile page or a forum topic in this software, it sends a request from the URL data to the database and then ...
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Does Google Search index direct download links?

Does google index direct download links the likes of which you can find on file download sites? I searched for some specific links on Google but couldn't find them.
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Site Indexed but Not Ranking for Unique Keywords—Any Insights?

If I search in Google and I get results, does that guarantee that my site is indexed by Google? I'm asking because that search yields perfect results, but when I search using really ...
2 votes
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AMP Mismatch Error - Why is another domain set as my AMP in Search Console?

A few days ago, I received an email notifying me that an unknown user gained access to my Search Console using an unused token. Since then, I’ve been experiencing various errors, and my pages have ...
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1 answer

prevent content-security-policy from defeating page caching

I run a website with inline javascript. I created a security policy so javascript can run inline. Then Pagespeed insights shows this issue: When I read about CSP nonces and hashes, it means ...
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1 answer

Impact of React.js Client-Side Rendering on SEO, for Tool Collection Website?

I’m developing a website that offers free tools like converters, compressors, and calculators. My setup includes ASP.NET Core as the backend API and React.js for the frontend. While researching ways ...
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0 answers

Sitelinks search error: "Custom query parameter not defined in target URL"

How to solve this error on my site? Custom query parameter not defined in target URL (in '') Items with this issue are invalid. Invalid items are not eligible for Google Search'...
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3 answers

Handling non-javascript fallback pages without violating WCAG guidelines

I used the demo version of powermapper tools online to scan my pages and it presents the following issue to a page I'm about to explain. Basically, a page that I have is a fallback page for clients ...
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0 answers

Google Image Search - link to specific part of page

I have a longer webpage with many images on it. Google is indexing those images. Currently, when I get to my webpage via Google Image Search, I'm taken to the top of the page. This is not very user ...
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Cloudflare times out when displaying pages with CSS/JS

Update (8/22/2024): I've tried setting up Nginx to solve this but it also faces the same issue. In addition the people who've replied both here and on Reddit both tell me this is a Cloudflare issue. ...
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canonical links on multi-domain site

I have a question about using link[rel="canonical"] elements. Consider a company with an international site com-domain and a site located inside China cn-domain (actual domains trigger Stack ...
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alternate links on multi-domain site

I have a question about using link[rel="alternate"][hreflang] elements. Consider a company with an international site com-domain and a site located inside China cn-domain (actual domains ...
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Google programmable search engine sort of results

I've added a custom search engine to a website with 4 "Sites to search". Is it possible to sort the results by groups? I couldn't find that feature in Settings. Let's say, first results from ...
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1 answer

Google Ads - Unavailable landing page ??? What?

Having a hard time with google ads. I have 15 items in merchant center and want to promote them with a google shopping ad. On day one, all 15 items were eligible for ads and I got several ...
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How to create POSITIVE keywords in a google ad campaign?

I have a google ads campaign. If I go to Google Ads, click on Campaigns on the left, Choose my campaign, then choose the ad group, Next I choose "Audiences, keywords and content", Then &...

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