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Unanswered Questions

396 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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ERR_CONNECTION_ABORTED when trying to access https site hosted by IIS 8.5 / 2012 R2 by IP Address in Google Chrome

Warning: This question is largely academic. I have a website in IIS 8.5, with an HTTPS binding on port 8443. The relevant netsh lines are: IP:port : Certificate ...
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1 answer

Google sites has security certificate for the www subdomain but not for the domain apex

I have a Google site and an HTTP domain. I was told I did not need SSL because Google Sites implements their own. The problem is every URL (,, HTTP://, HTTPS:/...
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Can not set preferred domain after setting change of address in Google webmasters

I have created a new website and have added and verified 4 variation of the website (with and without www for both http and https). I have set change of address for my old website in the google ...
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inverse actions and synonyms

I'm trying to figure out whether its worth adding copy in my pages that matches the related actions and synonyms of what the page is about. For example I want my page to appear for people buying ...
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1 answer

Is there any extra step we need to do when changing web hosting company with HTTPS site?

I have bought domains from A company. My all sites were in shared hosting account on Company B. I have moved my all sites to shared hosting account on Company C from B. I know the all the steps. ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Google Business Phone numbers?

Is possible to have to different search results for phone numbers in google business, one phone number on the right hand side box and another under the top result?

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