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Unanswered Questions

563 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Google Analytics - exclude outliers days in sessions graph

How can I exclude outliers days (spikes) in a Google analytics graph (sessions from organic search per day) ? I've had 2 very good days but those spikes make the graph very hard to read. See the graph ...
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How to track site search without query parameters in the URL?

I want to be able to track the site searches, but the site search on my site is not a dynamic search. Users can’t just type and enter the search button. They have to click on a pre-set result that ...
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From Analytics data, easy way to get % of visitors with a screen resolution of X or larger

Is there any easy way to use the Analytics data of a website, for example on google analytics, and query it to get the % of users with a browser resolution of X or larger? It's good to know the top ...
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How to view events per user/session in Google Analytics dashboard?

I've added custom segments of the users that did the specified event category. However, I can't view simultaneously number of users and number of events on the same dashboard, which should have been ...
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Website rebuilt, google analytics only getting old URLs

I recreated my website on a new server and create a brand new Google Analytics property for it. It's been running for a week, the problem is literally all my pageviews recorded are pointing to old ...
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Malicious bot - mulitple cities and browsers

I have a very small website, in a very competitive niche, that may receive a 100 hits a day, mostly for long tail keywords in blog posts. Yesterday and today I have been receiving dozens of hits per ...
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Seeing massive 307 ga redirects while submitting form

Problem: I'm trying to implement form tracking basis Google's tracking snippet I tested the form submission locally and on staging but the form won't submit (not sure why) and I keep seeing massive ...
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Command line filtering log by date and legitimate requests in Analog

Is there any way to get Analog to report the number of hits per day and the number of different IP addresses that are from legitimate readers? I define "legitimate" readers as accesses that (1) not ...
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Google Analytics track conversion but not general traffic

Having two sites: and app itself I would like to track visitors on but conversions (registrations) from the app. I have configured cross domain tracking, ...
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How can we setup correct tracking in Google Analytics for Netlify?

Currently, I have added the GA Tag in our Tag Manager in our Netlify website and it is recording/firing the first page. But as I am visiting the other pages, the GA real time tracking still remains on ...
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Google Analytics Ecommerce doesn't track Social media referrals

I have GA set up with external payment gateway. The cross-domain linker properly tracks both website and the payment gateway. Ecommerce tracks all referrals correctly (direct, organic, newsletters etc....
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Google Analytics/GTM sometimes tracks the same pageview twice but with a slightly different hostname

We use Google Tag Manager (GTM) to send pageviews and other data to Google Analytics. I'm currently cleaning up our GTM container to make sure the data is getting sent accurately. I'm running into an ...
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How to set up google analytics custom report?

See bottom for the tl;dr, the first paragraphs describe the steps I have completed so far. I have written a script that collects information and pushes it to the dataLayer. In google tag manager ...
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Drop in traffic in high traffic site after 301 redirect

Here are the steps I took 301 redirect w/wildcard from old domain to new domain Updated & verified Google Search Console for new domain, submitted change of address, etc. Updated Google Analytics ...
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Why Google Search Console coverage reports show excluded pages that don't exist at all

My new website is only about a month old and it has only 27 different web pages. I submitted sitemap.xml to the Google Search Console and it successfully indexed all my pages. However, in the Coverage ...

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