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Unanswered Questions

162 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Does using Cloudflare to host purely static pages affect Google SEO?

Can a business (B2B) independent website convert WordPress into a static page and put it on Cloudflare static hosting (inquiry using a third-party embedded code communication component)? Will this ...
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Cloudflare times out when displaying pages with CSS/JS

Update (8/22/2024): I've tried setting up Nginx to solve this but it also faces the same issue. In addition the people who've replied both here and on Reddit both tell me this is a Cloudflare issue. ...
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Two ways to add Cloudflare web analytics to Cloudflare Pages: which one?

I made a static website with Cloudflare Pages and a custom domain, so I tried their free web analytics. I found two ways to add analytics: Directly from Pages, ie Pages > Manage > Web Analytics ...
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How can I use Umami analytics across subdomains?

I'm having trouble setting up Umami analytics with subdomains. Here's my scenario: At, I serve my product website that advertises my service. This site includes my marketing content and ...
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Why are not relevant search queries in local search capitalized?

I found an interesting relationship between relevant and not relevant search queries and the way they are written. Let's say I have a website about fruit and vegetables. When I look in my statistics, ...
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2 answers

Unusually high Uassigned traffic on my sites

I have 3 sites that use Google Analytics to monitor incoming traffic that are experiencing unusually hight Unassigned traffic. I tried cheking if the problem was with my CMP blocking any cookie/script ...
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Page with Google's reCAPTCHA gets massive traffic peaks from Googlebot, why?

In a web application there is a contact form that is protected by Google's reCAPTCHA. The page as such is set to NOINDEX, FOLLOW: <meta content="noindex, follow" name="robots"&...
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GTM - variable '_event' - return type and value is undefined

Here is my code on the site window.dataLayer.push({ event: 'contact_form_index_en'}) But in GTM console in the Variables tab I see the following: What is this variable _event? Where is it coming ...
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ECDSA certificates not impacted by Let’s Encrypt certificate chain change?

We received an email from Cloudflare about the upcoming Let’s Encrypt certificate chain change. At some point, it states that "Additionally, this change only impacts RSA certificates. It does not ...
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The Google Analytics tabs are not visible

The Google Analytics reports section is not displaying any other tabs, such as Acquisition, Landing Pages, etc. These tabs are visible from the Google Analytics home page, but they are not showing up ...
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Registers an unload listener - Cloudflare - Lighthouse

Hello, I am working on optimizing a website and use Cloudflare to improve its performance and security. Recently, when conducting a Lighthouse audit to evaluate the website's performance, I ...
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Cloudflare and cPanel 'Deliverability Checker' both indicate SPF & DKIM records are valid but spam checkers insist the records don't exist. Thoughts?

Getting support for this issue is tricky since my DNS provider can't see my hosting info and my hosting provider can't see my DNS record configuration. I'm hoping that some DNS record pros can help me ...
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My Video Related evens increase and drop largely in GA4, Why?

So, my website's video events have had big changes lately. Take the video_start event as an example: starting from Dec 31, it was stable, around 5 to 6K. Then, the next week (Jan 1 to 7), it went up ...
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How can we disable streaming mode of mp3 files on cloud flare?

I accidentally noticed that the URLs of mp3 files on my web site are acting like live streaming mode. When I turned the cloud flare off, then everything worked fine. I guess maybe the issue is due to ...
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Will replacement of CloudFlare by CloudFront make my AWS site faster?

Time to retrieval of the first byte of my image as a document from an Apache server at AWS (us-east-1) through CloudFlare in an attempt was about 1000 ms. This is unacceptably slow. curl -o/dev/null ...

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