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8 votes

Why do we have to pay for web hosting rather than do it ourselves?

Most people choose to pay for hosting for multiple reasons. Site availability: A personal computer isn't really built for serving a website to however many visitors you would get. Most people turn ...
WebElaine's user avatar
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6 votes

Will it hurt SEO to remove the '.html' extension from static pages such that they get served as 'text/x-generic'?

This isn't so much an SEO issue, as an issue as to whether your site would work at all. If it doesn't work in the browser then it's certainly going to hurt your SEO. Your HTML pages still need to ...
MrWhite's user avatar
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5 votes

What are the benefits of utilizing a Web Server vs opening an HTML file directly via your browser

I tend to use a development server rather than file:/// URLs even when developing static sites. There are quite a few things that don't work from file:/// URLs. Just the first two points in my list ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
5 votes

Why do we have to pay for web hosting rather than do it ourselves?

There are several reasons to pay for web hosting. Reliability Your web host should have 99.9% uptime or better. It is hard to achieve that at home. Does your house ever lose power or have an ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
5 votes

Does server timezone affect SEO?

Does server timezone affect SEO? No. I understand that the geolocation of a server impacts search engine rankings. Only indirectly. Major search engines don't care where the files are coming from. If ...
Warren Halderman's user avatar
5 votes

Can I ban IP based on page GET then instant POST? (Spambots)

It could be possible to write some custom fail2ban rules to 95% solve this (ie with a short "findtime"). There might be edge cases with CGNAT and scripts but you can likely mitigate this by ...
davidgo's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I route traffic between two hosting servers?

You can do this with DNS if you use a service such as Route53: DNS GeoProximity Trafic Routing If you wanted to setup your own DNS server to do this kind of thing you could look into technologies such ...
thahostingadmin's user avatar
4 votes

How to access a website hosted on a shared server (and IP), when its domain is not working?

Your hosting provider should send you temporary URL for your hosting account and website. If they didn't, check your cPanel or whatever control panel and take out the ip address and paste it here: ...
Reda Ahmed's user avatar
4 votes

404 page vs. 404 server answer

the url remains the same, but the page has the status code 404, This is certainly the preferred option, as Martijn suggests. For a "custom" error page on Apache (ignoring the CMS option for a moment),...
MrWhite's user avatar
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4 votes

404 page vs. 404 server answer

The TLDR; answer: Send out a 404 header, don't change the url. The longer answer: There are more options then you suggest, which I'm not going to list here (because it's not really needed). The ...
Martijn's user avatar
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4 votes

Enabling Multiviews is how you make a web server able to open links with missing extensions?

tl;dr Yes, you can enable MultiViews to serve extensionless URLs. ie. Where the file extension is omitted from a URL that would otherwise map to an existing file. However, be aware of potential ...
MrWhite's user avatar
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4 votes

Why would this malfunctioning site pad its error page?

Internet Explorer (and now maybe Edge?) has a heuristic built in that for error pages that are small. For small error pages, (less than 512 bytes) it doesn't use what the server sends, but rather ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
3 votes

How to check if a visitor is on my website?

If you're looking to only serve content to one person at a time, this would be a server level mod. As an example for Nginx, you'd limit the number of active connections to 1: server { limit_conn ...
L Martin's user avatar
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3 votes

Still prompted for a password after adding SSH public key to a server

TL;DR On Client side: open configuration file /etc/ssh/ssh_config; here look for PreferredAuthentications; make sure password comes after publickey and not viceversa In my case password was written ...
StefTN's user avatar
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3 votes

Installing mPDF PHP library for website without root access

To install mPDF root privileges are not required, FTP access will be sufficient and it should work fine on shared hosting environments. Simply unzip the files and subfolders and then copy them into a ...
richhallstoke's user avatar
3 votes

How can I select server size based on the visitors I am getting on my website?

You need more information than just visitor counts. The only way to get the correct server size for your website is to load test it. Or buy a small server and see if it holds up, upgrade it if it ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
3 votes

How to prevent domain mirroring?

The good news is, Google should be able to recognize that you published the content first, meaning their copy is of less value. Be sure that you have some way to verify when your changes are published,...
WebElaine's user avatar
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3 votes

403 forbidden error when IIS is binding ASP web app on port 8080 to be accessed via a subdirectory

I managed to get this working by creating a new rooms application pool. Then in default websites > rooms > basic settings I changed the application pool to the newly created rooms. I still don't ...
TheOrdinaryGeek's user avatar
3 votes

Are Plesk or cPanel helpful for bringing up new VPS servers?

Plesk and cPanel are for managing shared hosting. You would install one of them if you had several people hosting websites on the same machine or VPS. I would not recommend installing them if only ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
3 votes

Can I set NS values on the webserver instead of on the nameserver?

There are multiple issues here - First issue: According to the registar for .hu, your nameservers are still set as These records need to be set at the ...
davidgo's user avatar
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3 votes

Need to set up cgi on VPS to execute Perl (.pl) files

There are three pieces of Apache configuration that you need: The CGI module is loaded The ExecCGI permissions is enabled. Handler configuration for your script's file extension. Loading the CGI ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
2 votes

How do I know if I really have a dedicated server?

Apologies if I cover anything you already know below. :-) Do I have a dedicated, private server, or not? How can [I] tell definitively? (Re-) Ask your hosting provider. Specifically, ask them if ...
Anaksunaman's user avatar
2 votes

What virtual host should I serve when someone hits my webserver without a "Host:" header?

Considering RFC-7230, you might just return 400 for such request: A server MUST respond with a 400 (Bad Request) status code to any HTTP/1.1 request message that lacks a Host header field and to any ...
Braiam's user avatar
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2 votes

which component handle php's GET parameters in a URL

GET/POST are HTTP headers that either request/send data. These are handled by the server initially and are part of the standard HTTP request methods. To do this in Apache, at the top of your domain ...
L Martin's user avatar
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2 votes

How do the authorative domain name servers know which IP to point to?

It gets kind of complicated and @closetnoc does a good job of simplifying the process but I will try to expand it into detail here. For the purpose of this example I will use the following givens... ...
Chris Rutherfurd's user avatar
2 votes

My php.ini configuration is being ignored - how can I override the error reporting level in my PHP scripts?

If php-fpm runs as a daemon, restart it to reload php.ini. You do not need to restart apache.
RadduPB's user avatar
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2 votes

Privacy policy & Web Server Log data on Shared hosting?

You could add a "Log Data" clause in your Privacy Policy to inform users that your web server will collect this data automatically. An example of this kind of clause: There are certain examples of ...
termsfeed's user avatar
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2 votes

How to set web server log files deletion at certain interval in shared hosting?

If your shared hosting provider uses cPanel and you use cPanel to manage your website, cPanel has the function to automatically delete old log files after 30 days. Screenshot from the "Raw Access" ...
termsfeed's user avatar
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2 votes

How to check if a visitor is on my website?

You can use something like NodeJS. This is serverside javascript, with a template for the visitor. This template connects to the serverside JS (it's easier than it sounds). The advantage of using ...
Martijn's user avatar
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