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5 votes

Which email addresses should I activate for a website?

As a privacy/information security researcher, I disagree with the accepted answer's statement "No ... institution will try to legitimate communicate you to an email address that they will guess......
Bender250's user avatar
3 votes

Spam, captcha - limit Contact Us page to country where you're doing business

If you were to limit just the Contact Us page to users from the US, this should not have a major impact on your SEO. You run into the issue of Google possibly not indexing the Contact Us page if it is ...
LukeGoFish's user avatar
3 votes

Will redirecting to a mailto URL prevent spam bots from harvesting the email address?

No method of obfuscation is fool proof. But the value of getting an email address for sending spam may not be worth the effort to the bots. The more noval or proprietary the method of obfuscation the ...
Wayne Smith's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I prevent a blogspot blog from misusing our company's toll free number?

I think you can try this Blogger form to report inappropriate blogger content On that form, select the Unlisted phone number option and fill up all details. I think Google don't consider toll free ...
Goyllo's user avatar
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2 votes

Using user email address as "From Name" and domain email as sender in contact forms?

Yes, that's an acceptable practice. You could also append the users name and e-mail to the subject line or content if you want that information to be more visible to the recipient.
nathangiesbrecht's user avatar
2 votes

New Domain got marked as spam after 3 mailer in Gmail

You don't need to send a high volume of emails to be marked as spam, actually, one of the most important things are the ratio between people that clicked on "marked as spam", successful deliveries and ...
Izaias Almeida's user avatar
2 votes

How do email spam filters tell if a spam email was maliciously sent with intent to shutdown a real email address?

Spam filters cannot definitively tell that the second email is not from the legitimate user unless an SPF record exists to inform them of the only authorised servers for sending messages. The ...
richhallstoke's user avatar
2 votes

How to avoid getting spam through a website?

Use multiple techniques and you can catch all spammers: honeypot as mentioned speed (bots fill forms very quickly) duplication (multiple text-fields like address plus comments) links in the wrong ...
Matt's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I block Tor users from sending spam on my form?

Instead of using an IP address blacklist (which is like playing a losing game of whack-a-mole), I might recommend one of two strategies for curtailing bot spam: Strategy 1: Honeypot field I use this ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
2 votes

Should I be worried by random/spam sites using my content as bait?

No. It's an old question with different opinions, but usually there is no reason to invest energy dealing with such issues. It's especially true for already known websites with some reputation. Read ...
Dvir Berebi's user avatar
2 votes

How to avoid e-mail spoofing

There is no way to prevent someone to spoof your address. The sender information shown in e-mails (the From: field) can be spoofed easily. But usually, mail clients (like gmail) have logic to detect ...
Muhammad Dyas Yaskur's user avatar
2 votes

Anti-spam question and google recaptcha added for html contact form but still getting spam messages, how to completely stop?

It is impossible to completely stop spam submissions to your contact form. You can always get spam that is manually submitted. It is very possible to create a contact form that gets very little ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
2 votes

A lot of weird websites have linked to my domain, do I need to be careful?

The last algo update on this subject was Monday, July 26, 2021, and the advice given by Google was to avoid attracting them to link to your site and don't link back to them.
Wayne Smith's user avatar
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2 votes

How do you deal with mass spam on MediaWiki?

If configured properly, your proxy will add the IP address of the user to the X-Forwarded-For header of the backend request. If $wgSquidServers (or $wgSquidServersNoPurge) is properly set, MediaWiki ...
Tgr's user avatar
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2 votes

Abuse, Postmaster, Webmaster addresses required for each subdomain?

No, the sub-domains are just DNS records on the primary domain. For example: www, beta, email and store.beta are all sub-...
Zhaph - Ben Duguid's user avatar
1 vote

How to protect from spam when the legislation forces you to display the email address?

A little bit of obfuscation stymies all the bots. I've been using a combination of HTML entities, JavaScript, math, and plain text to display my email address in my page for years and still get no ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
1 vote

A lot of weird websites have linked to my domain, do I need to be careful?

I've just checked your domain using majestic, i didn't find those but i've found a lot of domain from "the globe". It's the main spamming bakclinks on the world, so you don't have to loose ...
Patrick Valibus's user avatar
1 vote

Have had to add reCapatcha to my website. Now automation tests fail (obviously)

The obvious solution is to exempt the IP addresses associated with your testing server. Also (not in direct answer to your problem, but maybe useful) depending on how you send email you may want to ...
davidgo's user avatar
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What is the time interval that reputable search engines can hit pages of your website during a crawl?

Depends from website to website. If you have a news website with lots of fresh content getting posted hourly then you can expect more visits from search bots. If your pages are just static then you ...
Keral Patel's user avatar
1 vote

How to avoid e-mail spoofing

I am surprised by the accepted answer (which is largely incorrect. I'd downvote it, but I don't downvote where I answer as well). You can and should largely prevent spoofing by setting up SPF - ie ...
davidgo's user avatar
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Is it the responsibility of large website owners to prevent backlink exploits?

It's in the interests of every site owner to prevent "backlink exploits". Any user-submitted content (unless perhaps if it is heavily moderated or submitted by trusted/senior members) is "untrusted". ...
DocRoot's user avatar
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Spike in direct traffic - how to prevent bots

To make sure the traffic is being generated by bots, check if matches those indicators: Low average session duration. High bounce rate. Mostly new visitors. No goal completion. In order to minimize ...
Emirodgar's user avatar
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My domain emails are marked as SPAM in Gmail? How to solve this issue?

Most probably your hosting company does not enable DKIM for your domain by default. I assume that you are using CPANEL software. To enable DKIM on Cpanel see this video. Read More about DKIM and why ...
K H's user avatar
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1 vote

Google Analytics — character limit on Filter Pattern field

Since these are exclude filters, you can create multiple filters that include referrer names up to the character limit. This is how I do it.
KDP's user avatar
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1 vote

Reduce likelihood of Mailchimp email campaign going to Spam

IMHO your best bet is really to avoid using mailchimp for opted-in lists - at least 50% of the email I get from them is spam (the messages are also generally illegal under UK law), so I would wager ...
JosephH's user avatar
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1 vote

How to remove spam links from google?

Resubmit your sitemap, those spam links will be automatically removed within 3 months. Otherwise you remove manually just within 3 hours. Google Index >Url Removal Then just submit spam links one ...
Tuhin A.'s user avatar
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