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4 votes

Correct way to use sameAs itemprop in Microdata

If they have visible links to these social media profiles, it’s the best practice to mark up these links, instead of repeating the links and marking up the "invisible" variant: <div itemscope ...
unor's user avatar
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Would removing a domain-verification tag specific to a social media platform (Facebook) have negative effects on SEO?

You shouldn't worry about it at all. Feel free to delete the record as the only sense of keeping it has been lost since you left Facebook Originally TXT record was intended as a place for human-...
Juliy V. Chirkov's user avatar
3 votes

How to force Facebook to update an og:image that the scraper didn't download correctly?

You can force Facebook to re-fetch the meta data of a given URL by entering it in this tool and selecting the option Fetch new scrape information. This is useful when you change (or add) open graph ...
Prinny's user avatar
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Correct for user-generated social media content

If it’s not a blog post (BlogPosting), I would suggest to use the parent type SocialMediaPosting: A post to a social media platform, including blog posts, tweets, Facebook posts, etc. There is no ...
unor's user avatar
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Do social media widgets have any effect on search engine optimisation?

Officially, social media does not have an impact (per Google). However, web site plugins that link people to social media sites may have an impact on click through rates, if enough people use them. ...
Natali K.'s user avatar
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Is using Google Plus account still worth it for SEO and Social traffic?

To begin... Google+ has suffered some setbacks lately. Granted. For example, 90% of those with Google+ accounts are not active. And I can see why. The benefits of Google+ seems to be less effective ...
closetnoc's user avatar
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What could cause a page to stop from appearing on StumbleUpon?

Well, this is little bit too broad because there could be a numerous reasons for this, but I'll try to narrow down. You are banned. From this article here you can see many reasons for account being ...
Josip Ivic's user avatar
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Do links on social media sites improve my SEO? If yes, what determines the how much they help?

I've been told not to worry about links at all, but instead to concentrate on quality of, and seo focus of web page content. If you think about this, it answers your question. My understanding is: '...
GLCoder's user avatar
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Twitter Card - Image not showing claims that the minimum image size (in pixels) that will show up in a Twitter stream is 440 x 220 (2:1 Ratio). https://blog....
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
2 votes

Google says they don't use social media for ranking it and yet I get advice that it is important

Social is to SEO like pool table cushions are to billiards. The cushions don't make shots for you, they make shots possible by reflecting the shot. SEO still revolves, in some fashion, around links. ...
Machavity's user avatar
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Is it duplicate content to post content into social networks?

If you post with exactly same text and images then you should avoid doing that. Instead just share the link on social media with one to 2 line message. Also, as a good SEO practice, you should focus ...
TopQnA's user avatar
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Preserving social metrics when switching to https

The buttons are attached to the original URL and will not follow redirects. However, my understanding is that this is possible, that is - so save your shares. For posts created prior to the SSL ...
Josh Salganik's user avatar
2 votes

Will social sharing help my website rank in search engines?

Google has said many times that they do not use social shares as a ranking signal: 2014: Google's Matt Cutts: We Don't Use Twitter Or Facebook Social Signals To Rank Pages 2015: Google: Again, Social ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
2 votes

2 websites same company- different countries. How to set up?

You got few things to consider. Firstly, website and social are 2 different issues. Website If you are going with 2 different website model that's fine but worth considering following points: If ...
TopQnA's user avatar
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How to show more results for our brand name when searched for in Google?

There are a few thing you can do to get more visibility on brand searches. Sitelinks If you want Google to show more sitelinks on your brand search you should try the following: Submit an updated XML ...
Emirodgar's user avatar
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Does a facebook like-box or twitter follow pop up hurt SEO

It is unlikely to directly affect your site's SERP performance, but it may indirectly harm it, if: It makes your page load more slowly It decreases the user's dwell time on your site A helpful ...
Aidan Fitzpatrick's user avatar
2 votes

Can format of Facebook page name affect SEO?

First, Google treats underscores as a word joiners so Companyname_aus will be seen as Companynameaus. You should use an hypen as a word separator Companyname-aus if you want to target Companyname aus. ...
gael's user avatar
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Is there a standard format for declaring a web page's informational relationship to multiple social media accounts?

If your goal is to cover the most social media platforms, I would recommend using Open Graph tags and getting used to their limitations. The Open Graph standard is supported by Twitter, Facebook, and ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
2 votes

Would removing a domain-verification tag specific to a social media platform (Facebook) have negative effects on SEO?

No, Google doesn't track DNS records for search. I think it was in their webmaster chat recently when someone asked, but I couldn't find a reference to it anywhere.
keepkalm's user avatar
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Instagram 429 Error during SEO Scanning

429 error fires if Instagram detects (or guess to detect) suspicial (automated) activities on account. I think your crawler tries to access Instagram pages through their external links. Try to exclude ...
Evgeniy's user avatar
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My medium pages are noindex tag in header robots?

This is consistent problem with Medium. Many people try to use Medium to just create backlinks to poor quality content. As a result, Medium blocks indexing bots for a lot of content. Until you have ...
Trebor's user avatar
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Why there is no back links displayed from SN sites (twitter, Facebook, gplus) in Google Webmaster?

Those sites typically block Google from crawling much of their content. Either because the content is private fore each user, or because they don't want Google stealing their information. If Google ...
Tony McCreath's user avatar
1 vote

Why there is no back links displayed from SN sites (twitter, Facebook, gplus) in Google Webmaster?

Google search console shows the linking domains and sorts them by the count of linking pages. Maybe total number of your Twitter or Facebook posts are not that many so they are not listed among top-...
Shayan Davoodi's user avatar
1 vote

Metadata to block pages from being posted on social media

You can not prevent users from posting your links on Facebook, Twitter or any other social media platform, this is because a link itself holds no copyright or infringement, even terms, conditions and ...
Simon Hayter's user avatar
1 vote

How to show more results for our brand name when searched for in Google?

When someone searches for your brand, I'm guessing you want the SERP results to look like: If ...
Michael d's user avatar
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How do I measure whether the Facebook like box widget is effective on my site?

If you not use javascript and div section you can track the clicks. About iframe i am not sure. In video here you can see it all setting up. You can use something like this for the tracking: ...
Petr Průcha's user avatar
1 vote

Target Facebook ads on people who like certain pages (for which I'm not the owner)

I'm afraid you can't target this way. The only way Facebook allows to target people connected to specific pages, is if you are the owner/admin of those pages. Basically, you only get the above ...
David K.'s user avatar
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Exceptional spike in traffic: can Google Analytics help to know the reason?

There is a way to do something close to @StephenOstermiller's answer with "Motion charts" but without having to use Flash (as of today, with Flash disabled in the browser, "Motion ...
Basj's user avatar
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Exceptional spike in traffic: can Google Analytics help to know the reason?

There is a method to do this in Google Analytics, here's what you need to do - Change your date range to the date where you have the spike only Compare this range (1 day) to the previous period (...
Prasad Ajinkya's user avatar
1 vote

Exceptional spike in traffic: can Google Analytics help to know the reason?

Google Analytics hides the ability to compare various metrics on one graph under the feature it calls "motion charts". You access motion charts using the three dot icon on the top right of the graph....
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar

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