3 votes

Does a cache busting fingerprint in image file names hurt SEO rankings?

It won't hurt your web page rankings to use those techniques. Your pages will rank in web search just fine even if their assets frequently change URLs. If you are trying to get the images to rank ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
3 votes

SEO for filename of images that are uploaded using Ruby on Rails

Image filename is not very important. Because google know perfectly this truth that some Content Management Systems and many custom-made websites do not allow to edit image filenames and many images ...
Mohsen Tavoosi محسن طاوسی's user avatar
2 votes

Tracking an e-commerce conversion with Google Analytics - Analytics.js

Go to your Google analytics Admin page and check if your VIEW(s) has ecommerce enabled (Set to ON). Also make sure you have created a Goal to track conversion to that "thank you" Page. If you use a ...
Raul Reyes's user avatar
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2 votes

Internationalization using subfolders

You can do either -- leave English without a language code, or redirect the English pages to be under /en/. Language is handled on a per-URL basis, you can set it up however you want, it can even be ...
John Mueller's user avatar
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How will using the Wordpress API affect SEO ranking for company blog?

If I understand your situation correctly, you are considering setting up a blog site created by wordpress (on another server) and then pulling the content back to your website via an API. And, you ...
Keith's user avatar
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2 votes

how to modify virtualhost in WHM?

Cpanel/WHM does NOT support Ruby on Rails out the box, you need to provision the Ruby via mod_passenger profile under your EasyApache 4 and deploy each application from Cpanel Application Manager ...
gabehou's user avatar
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1 vote

Google AdSense Ad placement above fold in-article

Yes, you can put ads in the page where you want them in Google AdSense. For a long time, that was the only way to use it. Now Google is pushing "auto ads" that place the ads on the page for you. ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
1 vote

Does Rails Precompiled Images Names Affect SEO?

Does it negatively impact my SEO? No, not at all. Are there way to prevent this from happening? You can use image related text surrounded it, for example figcaption tag will help you here. Alt ...
Goyllo's user avatar
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Custom Heroku Domain redirecting to random website

This sounds like an DNS zone file issue which you will need to take up with your DNS provider. If the CNAME record where replaced with an A record as seems to be the case based on the comments then ...
Chris Rutherfurd's user avatar
1 vote

Can someone explain the true landscape of Rails vs PHP deployment, particularly within the context of Reseller-based web hosting (e.g., Hostgator)?

A good new solution to this old problem is Digital Ocean. We deployed a Rack app and it is not that hard. Pricing starts at $5/month/app. They have a One-Click App for Rails which should make things ...
B Seven's user avatar
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