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3 votes

subfolder is not resolved without force typing https

In this case the problem was that port 80 was redirected to 443 in windows firewall settings. I removed the port forwarding and port 80 is now working on all URLs. Perhaps the main url http://reg....
Ali Sheikhpour's user avatar
3 votes

Allow directory listing for subdirectories only

Yes if you allowOverride and then add a new web.config file in the folder you want to disable. So in your parent folder web.config should look like this. <configuration> <location path="....
Pablo Jomer's user avatar
2 votes

CDN SSL Sertificate - Two web sites on IIS 7.0 - Port 443 Issue

IIS 7.0 isn't able to handle it. Including the host name in the SSL handshake is a relatively new innovation. It wasn't so long ago that you had to have a dedicated IP address for each host name for ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
2 votes

Prevent Imperva CDN from showing origin IP info when we stop web site on IIS

Keeping your server up 100% of the time to prevent Imperva from showing that error page isn't realistic. If you don't want that information shown, you need to change the page shown by the CDN. Here ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
2 votes

prevent IIS from executing scripts in a specific directory

Assuming that you want the uploaded files to be served as static content (or else you could just save the uploads outside the root folder of your application): Inside your root web.config (which can'...
drizin's user avatar
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2 votes

How would you implement redirects for domain canonicalization, no-www, and HTTPS for IIS 7.5

Assuming you're using the URL Rewrite Module, you can use the following set of rewrite rules in the web.config: <system.webServer> <rewrite> <rules> <rule name="...
Zhaph - Ben Duguid's user avatar
1 vote

IIS7 rewrite rule triggers 404 rather than redirecting to new pagw

<match url="*" ignoreCase="true" /> I think the url attribute matches against the URL-path only, not the hostname. So the above should read: <match url="^default\.htm"...
MrWhite's user avatar
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1 vote

In IIS 7.5, how do you redirect an HTTPS domain to the canonical domain?

Hopefully if you're in a similar bind, this will help. There are a few techniques for redirection. The URL Rewrite module from is a good recommendation. My specific issue was that I had ...
Jason Beck's user avatar
1 vote

URL rewrite problem on IIS7.5

The issue is that the action is hard coded to use the same filename. You could add some additional conditions and duplicate the rules, but a simpler option would be to change the ...
Zhaph - Ben Duguid's user avatar
1 vote

Track Google Analytics from a redirected domain using IIS

You could change your redirected URL to have something like ?redirect appended to the end of it. It would have no effect on the page, but in GA you could filter those URLs out to get a count.
StephenCollins's user avatar
1 vote

IIS URL Rewrite Wildcards

You want to capture the desired id of the article using a condition, then you want to use that id you captured in the redirect action using {C:2} or Condition variable 2. Note that REQUEST_URI holds ...
TxRegex's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I configure IIS 7.5 to allow using a network share as an image src?

Have you considered creating a mapped network drive on the local machine that IIS is on (i.e. \NetworkShare mapped to drive letter "X:") with appropriate permissions and then create a virtual ...
Dave's user avatar
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