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11 votes

Can CloudFlare use different origins based on path pattern?

This is something that they recently started offering as an enterprise feature see:
Baldur's user avatar
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10 votes

Cloudflare DNS: How to 301 Redirect all traffic from Sub Domain to Main Domain with URL path?

The error you are receiving is because CNAME's only support domain names and not URL paths. You can setup a redirect using your hosting account or Cloudflare Page Rules. 14 Step Cloudflare Process ...
Simon Hayter's user avatar
8 votes

Facebook crawler with no user agent spamming our site in possible DoS attack

Sources say that Facebook/Externalhit does not respect crawl-delay in robots.txt because Facebook doesn't use a crawler, it uses a scraper. Whenever one of your pages is shared on Facebook, it ...
Michael d's user avatar
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7 votes

Untrusted Cloudflare SSL Certificate

Your invalid certificate authority error is due to the fact that CloudFlare issued it, not because of how you were routing traffic. This is because you used a type of certificate meant only to secure ...
Tom Brossman's user avatar
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6 votes

How can CloudFlare offer a free CDN with unlimited bandwidth?

CloudFlare is a caching proxy so egress (out) typically exceeds ingress (in), usually by around 4-5x. Our bandwidth bill is therefore calculated on egress so we don't pay for ingress. This is part of ...
Sista Fiolen's user avatar
6 votes

Subdomain on another server cPanel A Record & Cloudflare

Since your DNS will be hosted with Cloudflare, you must create an A RECORD within Cloudflare and then within cPanel you must make a subdomain or in WHM another account. There are no DNS entries ...
Simon Hayter's user avatar
6 votes

Is an .htaccess edit necessary when enabling Cloudflare SSL?

It's really to do with when the redirect occurs. WordPress/PHP naturally occurs later than .htaccess, so the HTTP request has already passed to PHP before the redirect occurs. .htaccess is processed ...
DocRoot's user avatar
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6 votes

Can you hide a server IP address using Cloudflare?

You can host your website anywhere with good connectivity and get good rankings for a particular area - Google likely keys off the domain suffix more then the IP address (which hints at actual ...
davidgo's user avatar
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5 votes

Untrusted Cloudflare SSL Certificate

I found the answer here: Your domain/sub-domain is not active on Cloudflare’s network Cloudflare’s ...
Gavin's user avatar
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5 votes

CloudFlare DNS: How to setup a GitHub Repository to a custom sub domain?

This can easily be done by adding a few settings to CloudFlare and then later GitHub. 7 Steps on adding a subdomain to CloudFlare Login to Cloudflare Use the drop-down menu in the upper left of your ...
Simon Hayter's user avatar
5 votes

Should I worry about exposing my server's IP address?

"Are there any security concerns or general risks associated with exposing a server's IP address" - yes A server can often run more then one service, including mistakenly exposing services ...
davidgo's user avatar
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4 votes

Disable __cfduid cookie from Cloudflare

Steps for disabling a cookie -- php. I cant take credit for this its not my fix but im happy to spread the wealth. function deleteSpecificCookies() { var cookies = document.cookie.split(";"); ...
Alfie's user avatar
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4 votes

Disable __cfduid cookie from Cloudflare

What is the problem with this cookie? You are using their service and want to benefit from their service and their security – according to Cloudflare, this cookie helps especially for security reasons....
Luca Steeb's user avatar
4 votes

Cloudflare: Cache static HTML when URL has Query String

(Answer added for @Festus Martingale to mark question as answered). Replacing the ? with a # solved the problem as it prevents the query string from being transmitted to cloudflare as it appears as a ...
Chris Rutherfurd's user avatar
4 votes

Cloudflare not redirecting to HTTPS

If you are having problems with the "Automatic HTTPS Rewrites" Cloudflare option then it maybe that CF is unable to determine whether your site/resources are HTTPS enabled. From the CF docs ...
MrWhite's user avatar
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4 votes

CloudFlare isn't working as CDN

You're likely using a geolocation service to determine the location of the IP address. This may not accurately tell you where the server for that IP is located - Cloudflare owns large IP blocks. These ...
L Martin's user avatar
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4 votes

CloudFlare isn't working as CDN

In addition to Yhorian's explanation, you can find which Cloudflare's datacentre you're being routed to looking at the output of a request to, as ...
Étienne Labaume's user avatar
4 votes

How does Cloudflare do HTTPS for my site when I haven't provided them with an ssl certificate?

As NuTTyX as said your name is in the SAN section. You can see it quickly that way: $ openssl s_client -connect -servername -showcerts </dev/null |& grep -A100 '...
Patrick Mevzek's user avatar
4 votes

Configuring SMTP through Cloudflare

In order for Cloudflare to route mail to the correct location, the MX record should point to the server that manages your mail. MX Auto 0 DNS only ...
PrismaPixel Studios's user avatar
4 votes

For a website behind a CDN, does it make sense to combine JavaScript into one file and host it on my server?

Improving Performance The answer comes down to a balancing act. In addition to your JS, I would also pay just as much attention to your CSS. You used to be able self host anything that is not a ...
Mike Ciffone's user avatar
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4 votes

DNS changes on cloudflare to verify domain for SSL not reflecting

I just found solution to my problem, if you add CNAME record to cloudflare and its Proxied then it will show as A record when you check propagation on in order for it to work as CNAME ...
Learning's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I enable "Avg Page Load Time (sec)" and "Avg Page Download Time(sec)" in my Google Analytics?

The second screenshot you have provided comes from Analytics. You can find it under Behavior>Site Speed>Page Timings. However, the first screenshot I believe is from the legacy version of ...
Trebor's user avatar
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4 votes

Cloudflare WAF rule for blocking a path except from two countries instead block all traffic to the site

This is the easy way, supported in all cases. Limit Hostname with equals, URI Path with contains /wp-admin or /wp-admin/ (this is shown in the screenshot below), and Country with is not in ...
Matteo Manfredi's user avatar
4 votes

Is there a CAPTCHA Challenge when using Cloudflare CDN?

When you visited ChatGPT, you likely ran into CloudFlare's Turnstile challenge. While strictly speaking Turnstile is a CAPTCHA due to its challenge-response pattern, CloudFlare markets it as not a ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
3 votes

Can CloudFlare use different origins based on path pattern?

You could use cloudflare workers: For your use case you could use the provided example, but change the logic to inspect the url ...
davidjnelson's user avatar
3 votes

Analytics: CloudFlare vs Google - What discrepancy is too big?

it's not that difficult to understand why Cloudflare numbers are so much higher than you GA. the reason is being that Cloudflare is a middle man. let me explain in detail. You see when someone go to ...
user97589's user avatar
3 votes

Safely turning off CloudFlare?

Turning off Cloudflare should not cause any trouble. Cloudflare has a TTL of 5 minutes on its nameserver records, so within 5 minutes of gray-clouding a domain the domain records will be updated so ...
William's user avatar
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3 votes

Subdomain on another server cPanel A Record & Cloudflare

Just to add to the above, when you are creating the subdomain, you should probably add it to /public_html root folder (easier to access and set up) For what it's worth, when I add subdomains in ...
SolaceBeforeDawn's user avatar
3 votes

So is Cloudflare now setting up HTTPS for websites?

Yes cloudflare gives free SSL to all paid and free customers. The things you need to do is. Add your CNAME or A records in your cloudflare DNS pannel. So if you're using www subdomain then make sure ...
Goyllo's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I force Blogger's 'search widget' to use HTTPS?

...and, of course, within 2 minutes of posting the question, I've found it. Log into Blogger, Layout, Navbar, Edit, and there's an option to switch the navbar off. D'oh.
Dylan Beattie's user avatar

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