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2 votes

What is the difference between "infrastructure as a service" (IaaS) and "private cloud"

"Infrastructure as a Service" is usually delivered on a shared platform, for example renting Virtual Machines and networking on Azure/AWS etc. or even from a traditional hosting provider. "Private ...
Zhaph - Ben Duguid's user avatar
1 vote

Azure Console fails any command and shows code containing "Invalid value for encodingHint"

I solved it by creating a new API app (the resource I was trying to deploy to) and switching to it. One comment suggested reconnecting the storage, but my resource didn't have one. Call it blue-green ...
Alenros's user avatar
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1 vote

Can CodeIgniter Website be deployed to Cloud Hosting?

The documentation for installing CodeIgnitor says: Download the latest version, and extract it to become your project root. That is certainly something that con be done on cloud hosting. It ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
1 vote

Wordpress Launcher on Google Cloud Platform - 404 Error

To fix your specific error that you show, consider making a folder in document root called "page" and in that folder you can create a folder called "2". In that folder create the default index page. (...
Mike -- No longer here's user avatar
1 vote

1and1 Cloud hosting scaling of DB and Instances

The configuration you select is per machine. So when you specify the spec's for what you are after it is the spec's per machine being spun up. The way 1and1 scale up is two fold. First of all you have ...
Chris Rutherfurd's user avatar
1 vote

what is difference between vps and Dedicated Servers

I'm late to this question, but you want a VPS here. (If you need to ask the question, the answer is automatically get a VPS) A VPS is a VIRTUAL Server. Its a part of an actual server, but you get ...
davidgo's user avatar
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