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3 votes

Alternative to SSL certificate?

You can use a free SSL certificate. The linode community, (mostly affiliates who make support videos or blogs and offer a coupon for starting linode account), seems to have the best help in setting up ...
Wayne Smith's user avatar
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3 votes

AWS Elastic Beanstalk - Wordpress keeps resetting plugins and themes

Amazon has instructions for deploying WordPress on Elastic Beanstalk. The part that will prevent your problem is the section "Enable WordPress to Store Assets in Amazon S3". You have to install ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
2 votes

Clients domain does not load in china, instead another site loads

I have just checked with several DNS lookup tools that the address is not tampered with in China. I have even loaded the website using a Chinese proxy. Again, all is normal. I suspect that the client ...
Zdenek's user avatar
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2 votes

AWS: pointing A record to load balancer on A record causes incoming email to stop functioning

MX record: * matches everything but the naked (no subdomain) domain. So no MX for Aparently a friendly MTA will try the A record, which used to work for me, since it pointed ...
Ingcur's user avatar
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2 votes

Does AWS have any firewall products?

Yes, AWS offers what they call AWS "WAF", short for Web Application Firewall. As the name implies, it's intended purpose is to help you protect your applications from exploits that are known to affect ...
Josh Salganik's user avatar
2 votes

How to setup domain DNS records for cPanel WHM

Have you tried going to your domain registrar and pointing A records from and to your EC2 instance's IP address? This will make visitors to your domain name connect ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
2 votes

What is the advantage of traditional hosting over cloud hosting?

Cloud hosting has replaced a large portion of the hosting market. This site stats say that the Amazon and Google clouds host about 7% of sites. Cloud hosting is especially effective for large sites ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
2 votes

Visit my site but nothing appears (totally blank with no error message)

You seem pretty knowledgeable, have you disabled .htaccess? Tried a dummy index.php with just something like "test" and nothing else so you can see if you are actually reaching the site? (That's the ...
Steve's user avatar
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1 vote

Static WP website and web app are in different host with one domain

Based on the information you have provided, below is one solution I can think of. Assuming you are using the name servers provided by your hosting provider, they should be able to help you with ...
Kannan's user avatar
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How to setup domain DNS records for cPanel WHM

Setting the DNS records of a domain using WHM Log into WHM as an Administrator. Scroll down to the DNS Functions section and click Edit DNS Zone. Select the domain that you want to edit the DNS of ...
Joel Wembo's user avatar
1 vote

Accessing phpmyadmin on ec2 leads to "This site can’t provide a secure connection"

Your attempting to connect to which obviously won't work because your browser will attempt to connect using SSL but then your server is returning non-SSL information ...
Simon Hayter's user avatar
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EC2 - Total bandwidth In/Out from a particular instance over a particular period

If you haven't enabled hourly or daily Cost and Usage detail reports, do that now. These reports break down everything that generates a charge, by resource-id and the exact type of usage that ...
Michael - sqlbot's user avatar
1 vote

Taking AWS EBS snapshot while website on AWS is running.. OK?

Yes, you can start an EBS snapshot while the website is running. Yes, you can close your browser. That being said, you should realize that while your website is running there might be some data in ...
Sergey Kovalev's user avatar
1 vote

Website URL for subpages not showing up after domain forwarding

You don't want to "forward" your domain name. That's what's causing this behavior. You need to create a DNS A record for the hostname that you want to point to the elastic IP. https://www.namecheap....
Michael - sqlbot's user avatar
1 vote

What is the 'right way' to serve static content from my AWS S3 bucket on my ElasticBeanstalk deployment?

I initially tried mod_rewrite in my .htaccess ... You could perhaps use mod_rewrite together with mod_proxy to create a reverse proxy to your CDN. This has the advantage of hiding the location of ...
MrWhite's user avatar
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How can I copy files from my machine to Amazon EC2?

As noted in comments, try with scp -v -r -i node.pem /Users/path/to/file/gametest [email protected]: so the gametest directory is created in the server. the folder called gametest is ...
marcanuy's user avatar
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Amazon EC2 Bitnami Wordpress Leverage Browser Caching

There appear to be two things you need to check. First edit /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/httpd.conf and make sure that the line loading mod_expires is not commented out (comments start with #). If ...
Stephen Ostermiller's user avatar
1 vote

amazon EC2 running both a website and database

I have been running one of my very small web apps which is written in scala play framework 2.6.x and postgresql database server in same ec2 instance of type t2.micro of 1 gb ram. I did not face any ...
John's user avatar
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