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For questions about headings and the corresponding HTML elements (h1-h6).

13 votes

Anchor tag inside <h1> or <h1> inside anchor tag: which is better?

They're the same as far as SEO is concerned. (Usually block level elements contain inline elements and not vice-versa so you should use the first example but it won't affect SEO).
John Conde's user avatar
  • 86.4k
5 votes

Will it hurt SEO if I hide the <h1> tag?

Hiding it specifically for the purposes of delivering different content to the search engines is called cloaking and is black hat SEO. This is a great way to hurt your rankings up to and including bei …
John Conde's user avatar
  • 86.4k
5 votes

Is it SEO friendly to step directly from h3 to h5?

HTML provides semantic markup to a document. CSS provides information about the presentation. Choosing to use a H5 because of the styling it offers is the wrong reason to use. The only reason why head …
John Conde's user avatar
  • 86.4k
4 votes

h1 including breadcrumb links

If you want to optimize your breadcrumbs for SEO use semantic markup or microformats
John Conde's user avatar
  • 86.4k
1 vote

How important are headings in SEO

John Mueller recently had a lot to say about how Heading affect SEO: I think in general, headings are a bit overrated in the sense that it’s very easy to… get pulled into lots of theoretical discussions … But rather, what we use these headings for is well we have this big chunk of text or we have this big image and there’s a heading above that, therefore maybe this heading applies to this chunk of text …
John Conde's user avatar
  • 86.4k