I am trying to create jsol ld for multiple locations for one of my websites. But Google testing tool returns an error: https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool Below is the code: <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "LocalBusiness", "name": "Company", "url": "http://www.example.com", [ {"address": { "addressLocality": "United Arab Emirates", "addressRegion": "Dubai", "streetAddress": "Building 213", "telephone" : "04 444 5555" "openingHours": ["Su, Mo,Tu,We,Th, 09:00-18:00"], }, {"address": { "addressLocality": "Jordan", "addressRegion": "Amman", "postalCode":"XXXXXXX", "streetAddress": "Building 213" "openingHours": ["Su, Mo,Tu,We,Th, 09:00-18:00"], }, {"address": { "addressLocality": "Lebanon", "addressRegion": "Beirut", "streetAddress": "Building 213", "telephone" : "+961 444 5555" "openingHours": ["Su, Mo,Tu,We,Th, 09:00-18:00"], }, {"address": { "addressLocality": "Qatar", "addressRegion": "Doha", "streetAddress": "Building 213", "telephone" : "+1(503) 444 5555" "openingHours": ["Su, Mo,Tu,We,Th, 09:00-18:00"], }, {"address": { "addressLocality": "Saudi Arabia", "addressRegion": "Riyadh", "streetAddress": "Building 213", "telephone" : "+966 1 4444 5555" "openingHours": ["Su, Mo,Tu,We,Th, 09:00-18:00"], }, {"address": { "addressLocality": "Egypt", "addressRegion": "New Cairo", "streetAddress": "Building 213", "telephone" : "+20 2 44445555" "openingHours": ["Su, Mo,Tu,We,Th, 09:00-18:00"], } ], "description": "Company description", "email":"[email protected]", "logo": "http://www.example.com/w-logo.png", "sameAs" : [ "https://www.facebook.com/Example", "https://twitter.com/Example", "https://plus.google.com/+Example", "https://www.youtube.com/user/Example", "http://www.slideshare.net/Example", "https://www.linkedin.com/company/Example"] } </script> Please help me.