Imagine a pagination script with 20 total pages:


What should I do when some third party web site links to a non-existent page?

    articles.php?page=21      (page 21 is out of bounds)
    articles.php?page=-10     (as is this)
    articles.php?page=blabla  (or this)

problem is... (I have 20 total pages)

- some 3rd party site links `articles.php?page=21` that doesn't exist (last page is the 20th)
- and I send 404/301 as a response
- Google crawls that link
- some time after, the total number of articles increases and will make the 21st page appear
- the 404/301 will be removed in favor of the status 200

Is that correct? Is 404 or 301 better? Do I need some more expedients?

(with a 301 redirect I mean redirecting to the closest valid page)