Example :

**My domain** = https://www.kotakanime.net/one-piece-episode-890-subtitle-indonesia/

**Domain B** = manganime.id/cdn/one-piece-episode-890-subtitle-indonesia/?mirror=3

all code html at DomainB same with MyDomain, and when i change anything in my site. DomainB will refreshed same with my site ( but not instant, i don't know how long DomainB will be refreshed )

and B people can change css color, brand/author name text, ads code

i try add this script 

    // Blocking 1 
    if (parent.frames.length > 0) { parent.location.href = self.document.location } 
    // Block 2 
    var domain = "manganime.id"; <--- at this they auto change my domain kotakanime.net 
    var redirect = "http://google.com"; if( (location.hostname != domain) && (location.hostname != "www."+domain) ) { location.href = redirect; } 

and after i check i think they always recrawl when i update post. or after 1 hours maybe ?