If you are an extremely high-volume site, you may want to consider using super-short entity id and class names, as these reduce the size of both the HTML page and the CSS page used to style it.

Also, be careful about overly-structured site composition; it is easy to add div and span sections when they are not truly needed.  You may also want to consider strategies such as  paging for large result sets and similar output.

In reality, these optimizations have extremely limited payback (and for the paging strategy, potential SEO downsides) to be worth it for sites that aren't in the same traffic category as Google.  Just follow [jessegavin's recommendation][1] to enable GZip/Deflate compression and be done with it.

  [1]: http://webmasters.stackexchange.com/questions/569/common-optimizations-to-reduce-html-or-xhtml-page-size/570#570