This is because you are using Structured Data/Rich Snippets on your pages.

Front page contains many snippets such as:

> entry-title: Google PageRank Update History Timeline

> entry-content: Google PageRank is the most highly rated and awaited factors on which every blogger keeps a close eye and eagerly wait to see the result of their favorite blog! Looking back, somewhere on a...

> published:	2013-05-02 

> author:	 fn:	Taswir Haider

If you want to remove the time stamp element then you need to remove: 

    <abbr class="published" title="2013-05-02">May 2, 2013</abbr>

Google is very good at establishing when you up date your pages so regardless if this is in there or not it will have a rough idea. The idea of Rich content is to provide more accurate information as well more information.

You can review your Structured Data Here: