We have an online html file that is accessible through the browser, we want this to be available offline and looking in to it the best thing would be using the App Cache with a manifest file.
I believe i have done all the steps correctly but it still doesn't preload all the files for the html. Here is what i have done:
Updated the html tag to read
html manifest="location of manifest file"
Created a manifest file listing the individual files
CACHE MANIFEST 1360_VT_04data\1360_VT_03.js 1360_VT_04data\1360_VT_03.swf 1360_VT_04data\1360_VT_03.xml 1360_VT_04data\1360_VT_03_core.xml
Edited the .htaccess file with
AddType text/cache-manifest .manifest ExpiresByType application/x-web-app-manifest+json "access plus 1 year" ExpiresByType text/cache-manifest "access plus 1 year"
Any ideas why this is not working?