In the <head>
of each article page on a given website, I would like to indicate a relationship between that article page and multiple social media accounts.
At the very least, wherever possible, I would like to <link>
each article-based web page to social media accounts for:
- the website brand
- the article publisher's brand
- the article author
It's worth noting that:
- the website is always the same
- the publisher-contributor sometimes changes
- the author-contributor often changes
E.g. I understand that a conventional link to a Twitter account looks like this:
<link rel="me" href="">
which is great, but given that (I've just learned) rel="me"
is the XFN equivalent of rel="author"
, I conclude this is an appropriate form to use only when referring to the author-contributor.
So what should I use for the publisher-contributor and for the website itself?
For the website's own Twitter account, could I (possibly?) use rel="alternate"
or should I be using rel="[something else]"
I initially believed that I wouldn't be able to use rel="author"
or rel="publisher"
to link to social media accounts, because I was already using those rel
attributes to express relationships with specific web pages.
But now it occurs to me that I might use rel="publisher"
more than once, like this:
<link rel="publisher" href="" />
<link rel="publisher" href="" />
How should I approach <link>
-ing a web document to three separate twitter accounts?
I note that I can use the following:
- Website:
<meta name="twitter:site" content="@websiteAccount">
- Author:
<meta name="twitter:creator" content="@authorAccount">
But that's still only two out of three.
Additionally, it's Twitter-specific and I am looking for something which can apply to any social media platform (Facebook, LinkedIn etc.)