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Seo and multilingual websites

i have a website that is kind of a social network, that has content generated by webmaster such as articles and questions, and content generared by people (questions). My website uses 2 languages arabic and french and it target all people speaking these languages around the world. For handling website language we use sub directories. The urls of page articles are: and, the articles are filtered based on the language chosen by the user. the content on that page will always be in the language chosen, but for page questions even if you chose a language, the page will be rendered in that language i mean the menu and the footer, these fixed parts of the template, the content however can be in any language because the page fetches questions asked by users alongside with the webmaster questions that are filtered to match the selected language. I read that article page should have one language, but it cant be the in case of a page that displays user generated content, how should i handle this. In adittion, am afraid i will end up with duplicate content in case of a page that displays user generated content in two languages( and the content will be same with small changes which are the translated menu, header and footer. Am i Running that risk? And what is the best seo strategy to adapt in my case?

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