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Should I add links to the Sitemap that are disallowed in robots.txt?

My robots.txt contains the line Disallow: /search.php. Shall I nevertheless include into my sitemap?
anpami's user avatar
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Do I need to submit sitemap.xml to google if I already have it in robots.txt and hosted on S3?

I have a static site hosted on S3 bucket which will have a robots.txt at root directory level. This robots.txt file will have reference to my sitemap.xml file which is hosted on another S3 bucket. It ...
Bnv's user avatar
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What is difference between robots.txt, sitemap, robots meta tag, robots header tag?

So I am trying to learn SEO and I am honestly confused and have following 8 questions. Do I tell a bot not to visit a certain link through X-Robots-Tag or through robot meta tag or robots.txt? Is it ...
Quillion's user avatar
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Why do some websites hide their sitemaps and exclude mentioning it from the robots.txt file? Does this affect SEO at all?

A lot of websites hide their sitemap.xml file. What I mean by this is that they make the URL something that a person cannot guess and then do not mention them in the robots.txt file. So my question is ...
CP3O's user avatar
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Will there be a conflict between my Sitemap.xml and robots.txt?

I have a robots.txt with the following in it: User-agent: * Disallow:*&url=* Sitemap:
Barun Kumar's user avatar