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Do any search engines exist which disobey rel="nofollow" or "Disallow"? [closed]

Moving beyond the big players - Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, DDG (who all obey "nofollow"s), are there any search engines out there which deliberately disobey rel='nofollow' links and Disallow rules in ...
Robin Winslow's user avatar
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How to prevent search engine bots from crawling specific pages?

My website crashes my server when a certain page is crawled. I've tried implementing a robots.txt file to disallow that page and to implement a crawl delay, but web crawlers are ignoring it. Is it ...
runningonplants's user avatar
2 votes
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How to Keep "Good" Bots That Ignore Robots & Nofollow From Getting Into Honeypots?

We have a self generating honeypot that is designed to fill crawlers with junk data (among other things). Its protected with the right "treaties" and headers so 99% of good bots stay away. Today ...
dhaupin's user avatar
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