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Connecting different goal types to see correlations in Google Analytics

I am looking for a way to connect asset download goals early in the buying cycle with signups at the end of the cycle. My website has complex buying cycle that happens over the course of months, for ...
absurdist-hero's user avatar
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How can I display data about a custom event on a particular page using GA4 Analytics?

So using GTM, I designed a custom event and I am able to collect data and send it to Google Analytics. However, the data collected is about that event in general, not about that event occurring on a ...
Emmanuel M's user avatar
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Google Analytics: why are the # of unique page views different from # of sessions of a segment on page level?

I have a page abc123. Google Analytics tells me that this page abc123 has 1000 unique page views. I create a segment on session-level with the condition: page==abc123. Google Analytics tells me that ...
marwal's user avatar
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Get Google Analytics to report goal conversion by scroll depth

I've been using to track scroll depth as an event in Google Analytics. I now want to compare that with a goal conversion to be able to track the conversion rate of users ...
Daniel Reed's user avatar
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How to use segments in google analytics API

In google analytics, We are able to create segments like below: From the Google analytics API explorer, we can pull the segment information be it by segment id or by its code: I would assume we can ...
jxn's user avatar
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