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How could viruses/malware launch from websites in user environment? [closed]

I'm familiar with web frontend only superficially. However I'm wondering how is it possible to inject virus on the web site and cause it to run in the user environment (PC) only by visiting specific ...
VmeansVendetta's user avatar
2 votes
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Google searched links (to a site I administer) are redirecting users to fake websites

I'm quite stumped here as I am not an expert when it comes to scripts.. Some users, searching for a product which my website provides, get presented with genuine links such as "https://www.brewcraft....
Barry Mason's user avatar
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1 answer

Has my website got a virus?

Building a website for a customer and as I sent him a link on Skype to the new page, he said he got alerted of a trojan virus. He clicked on the link on Skype and it opened in IE, he sent me a ...
Luiza Rios's user avatar