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2 answers

Does a domain sale share the owner’s contact info?

I am selling a domain online and my registrar uses privacy protection which is automatically enabled. Behind the privacy protection, I have myself listed as all 3 contacts, along with my personal ...
StackQsUp's user avatar
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Easiest and most affordable webhost to transfer and host the domain of an existing .php website to another existing domain name? [duplicate]

I've had a friend of mine create a .php website for me that he hosts on a personal raspberry pi server. It looks fantastic and works great. However, I already have a website and domain that was hosted ...
Crashsune's user avatar
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Does the registry (Nominet) have a 60 day waiting period for domain transfer?

Do domains have a 60 day waiting period to transfer a domain? Also, is there a waiting period for any domain for which we use IPS Tag for domain name transfers?
Guest's user avatar
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Registering a domain as an individual and then assigning it to a company?

When registering a domain name contact information should be given about the owner (address, city, country, phone number etc.) If I register a domain using my personal information and then after ...
Costas's user avatar
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Is there a Auth-Code Format Standard for .NET, .ORG and .COM?

I'm attempting to transfer a .net domain from 123-reg to GoDaddy but encountering a problem. As you know whenever transferring a top level domain you need a AUTH code, often referred as the EPP code, ...
Simon Hayter's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Why do we have to wait 60 days between each domain transfer?

I understand that ICANN does make the rules requiring this, but I don't understand why we have to? Each time we do transfer the domain, we have to pay to do so. That partially stops fraud. I also do ...
Traven's user avatar
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I am taking ownership of a website. Do I need to take ownership on the domain name first, and then transfer the website to the new host?

I am going to be rebuilding a new website for a new client. There current site is at a different host and registar. I want to transfer ownership. Which one do I do first? Domain name to new registar ...
Randy Strand's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Transfer websites and domains to new server

We have currently around 40 websites and 80+ domains/sub-domains in a shared 1&1 hosting package, and we just acquired a managed dedicated server with 1&1 as well. Now it's time to start ...
Albert's user avatar
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5 answers

Domain Registration and Hosting Transfer

Domain Registration and Hosting Transfer I am in a kind of situation here and I need your help. I have a domain (, which is registered and hosted by a reseller in UK. The ...
Laredo's user avatar
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2 answers

Is a domain name transfer required or can I just link to old domain name without transferring?

I have two domain names ( and which are hosted using say a company called Old-Host. Now, the hosting plan has expired and they have taken down all data residing in their ...
chockli's user avatar
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