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Is it true that Google does not like copying pages and changing the keywords?

I have created 3 web pages and optimized each for similar content (only change Keywords) but different keywords & Meta Description in all 3 pages. Is the okay to have similar content on these ...
Nina Ten's user avatar
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Business Directory - duplicate content in descriptions - SEO impact

I run a Business Listing Directory website listing local businesses in the area. These businesses are allowed to submit their company description, contact details, URL and other links such as Fb or ...
Joe Bloggs's user avatar
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Setting up Wordpress site for AMP - SEO implications

This is fairly new and I have been reading up on AMP implantation. There is a plugin that sets up AMP pages for WordPress. My concern is duplicate content since there will be a new set of pages with ...
dasickle's user avatar
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Scraped content from my website posted on Blogspot is outranking my site and causing Google penalty

I noticed that starting from October the organic traffic is very low on my website. I searched on Google for some text phrases from my website and I noticed that there is a Blogspot website, a blog ...
Pascut's user avatar
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Is content scraping useful for SEO or harmful?

Is content scraping useful for SEO or harmful? Scraping: Taking content from other places on the web and publishing it on your own site. There are many websites that only contain pieces of other ...
Elin Olsson's user avatar