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2 answers

SEO / Usability impact of redirecting product category pages to different category pages

I am looking for any advice with regards to the SEO / Usability impact of the following. On the ecommerce site, there are category pages that can be navigated to through various methods. Essentially ...
noelmcg's user avatar
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Adsense rejects my blog for difficult site navigation [closed]

My blog is getting rejected for two things: Insufficient content Difficult site navigation How can I resolve this problem with difficult site navigation?
aaaaaa's user avatar
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7 answers

Bad to add external link in the navbar?

Is it considered a bad practice to have external links in the navbar of a website? In my case, I am thinking of selling some of my items on a new website that I previously sold on my current website....
etangins's user avatar
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Pros and cons of horizontal menus versus vertical?

I've long wondered if there should be a preference for using horizontal navigation menus, or vertical ones. I've used both before, on various websites, and can see each having pros and cons. Is there ...
Grant Palin's user avatar
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