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Questions tagged [mysql]

MySQL is an open-source, relational database management system.

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Mysql is closing the connection on Ubuntu [closed]

I built a MERN app (used mysql instead of MongoDB) I deployed it on the VPS (Ubuntu 24.04) everything seems okay but when I try to check the logs of my backend using pm2 package it gives me kind of ...
Shayan Kanwal's user avatar
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up-to-date development tools [closed]

I retired as a web developer 10 years ago. Now I'm looking to do some personal development work again and I'm at a bit of a loss to know what technologies to start with. 10 years back I was quite ...
user97045's user avatar
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Connecting to MySQL database hosted on CPanel

I have followed all of the usual steps in setting up a pipeline but cannot seem to get the database itself to connect. I am confident in the correct database name, username passowrd etc but am ...
Anton Gomes's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Will Google deindex pages for adding template content?

Google recently cut my indexed pages in half, which cuts revenue in half, which is pretty concerning. I have a large database driven website (millions of pages) which dynamically creates content with ...
alex Roseland's user avatar
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mysqli_fetch_assoc(): Argument #1 ($result) must be of type mysqli_result, string given [closed]

I updating a old volunteer website from Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 4 (PHP 5.4 to PHP 8.1) and mysql to mysqli. A few parts of the website were created by hand with php. So far by searching I have been able ...
J Curtis's user avatar
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What are free services available for creating MySQL on cloud? [closed]

I am new to web development. My team is planning to create a dynamic website as a project. I want to have a relational database ( MySQL) but all tutorials seem to use MySQL and PHP locally. We want to ...
Vasvi Sood's user avatar
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How to fix warning in php : Warning: Undefined variable $nameError in C:\xampp\htdocs\mysql\insert.php on line 84 [closed]

As a beginner in PHP, I was trying to learn how PHP runs along with MySQL. So I was practicing how to insert data into a database using a form. So far this is what I did. <?php error_reporting(...
Arnob Jr.'s user avatar
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Error Message Migrating Wordpress Website with MigrateGuru - Fix Possible? [closed]

Hi I have a quick question... I am trying to migrate my Wordpress site from SiteGround to HostGator. I am using the plugin MigrateGuru to simplify things. At the end of the migrate process I get the ...
riverofwind's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Can I develop and test WordPress and PHP without a domain name?

I intend to learn and develop a website using WordPress and PHP. I read from the web that as a start, these two are sufficient for a typical website with database storage and retrieval/query ...
raymondraymond1's user avatar
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1 answer

Hosting SQL on localhost or remote server?

Years ago I was advised to use two servers for hosting a basic Linux webserver, that it's best to have SQL hosted separately from NGINX or Apache. Personally I prefer MariaDB over MySQL, but I don't ...
Admish's user avatar
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Non-existent tablespace when importing MySQL from phpMyAdmin

I usually export a Drupal database from one instance of phpMyAdmin to another on a different server without any issues but lately I have been getting the error when I import: #3510 - Tablespace ...
authentictech's user avatar
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mysqli_connect() & GoDaddy (New Versions of PHP) [closed]

I am using GoDaddy to host my website and it says in php that I have a Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function There is a problem when I use "mysqli_connect()" function in ...
W. G.'s user avatar
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Phpmyadmin - How to let users create and manage their own databases without allowing them to see other databases

In PhpMyAdmin I want to allow certain users the ability to create and manage databases without having to manually give them permission to every database they need. I've noticed when giving a user the ...
JoshB1576's user avatar
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Dynamic PHP Pages [closed]

I'm trying to make a database of herbs with their many uses. Instead of making an individual page for every single one of them, I would like to just put the info in MySQL and call it to their ...
Jakob Glantz's user avatar
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Why does Dreamweaver save the same .php file twice?

I am creating a website on localhost (WAMP) as of now. I have set up the testing server the new php files that I create are saved in a sub-foldor of www folder specific for my website. [ C:\wamp64\...
Math Comorbidity's user avatar
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Three of my Wordpress sites got hacked, trying to understand how and how to prevent it [closed]

Today I noticed three of my WordPress sites were hacked and were redirecting visitors to other sites. It took me a while to figure out what exactly was changed. Apparently, "siteurl" and &...
Zippy1970's user avatar
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Unable to export query result from PHPMyAdmin

I want to export query result in to CSV file from PHPMyAdmin How to do that? See the below picture. Normally I can see the option to check all, edit and delete rows. But when I run this query ...
Bashabi's user avatar
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2 answers

How to export query result in a csv file from phpmyadmin

I am running a query in PHPMyAdmin. The query is fine. it's showing the correct result. I want to export that result in a CSV file. It's not on the local server. It's on the webserver This is my ...
Bashabi's user avatar
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Is it possible to create mysql accounts for 'user' and have that account access a different page of the website? [closed]

I'm creating a website where me "as an admin" can create other accounts for "users". When I login as an admin it will be directed to a page like "superuser.php" where I can create an account for "...
Francis Kane's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

MediaWiki setup is unable to log into root@localhost DB, but I can log into it via SSH

I'm setting up MediaWiki on an Ubuntu 18.04 server. After installing the mediawiki package I went to web installer and got to the "Connect to database" step. I'm using the following settings:...
sneedgar_the_barbarian's user avatar
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Cheapest way to use a MySql Database on Microsoft Azure

I am currently evaluating features of Microsoft Azure, and want to try their Azure Database for MySQL service in a little test project. I just need a very basic database with minimal performance and ...
Marcel's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Why can't update.php connect to my database when my site connects to it just fine?

I'm trying to upgrade my MediaWiki installation. My site runs just fine locally at http://localhost:8888/. I can connect to my database using the "Socket" connection on Sequel Pro on port 8888. My ...
intcreator's user avatar
3 votes
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Using mySql database data directly into generating articles for my website? (newbie, needs to know where to start))

Hi all I am fairly new to web development, I've made a couple of my own sites over the years with simple html tables and free webhosts. This time, I have decided to try to host my own site using WAMP ...
Big T Larrity's user avatar
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XAMPP phpMyAdmin - different users access same MySQL database [closed]

I have created a MySQL database on MyPHPAdmin (XAMPP 3.2). This is for a group project and I need to have different users access the same database. If they have XAMPP installed on their computer, is ...
codEinstein's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I use the Laravel Database Framework without using all of Laravel?

I work at a company with a custom PHP framework we have built over the years. For the most our custom framework suits our needs and includes almost everything Laravel offers, however, our database ...
TroySteven's user avatar
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Is is OK to back up a WordPress installation while it is serving content?

Running a LEMP stack on Ubuntu 16.04. Found plenty of great documentation for backing up WordPress: Export your database: mysqldump --add-drop-table -h mysql_hostserver -u mysql_username -p ...
Harold Fischer's user avatar
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Using MediaWiki and external data, how can I show an image in a page, returned as a blob from a database?

I'm creating a wiki (using MediaWiki) which pulls data from a mySQL instance, and uses this alongside a template to generate the page dynamically. My mySQL instance contains images, stored in a field ...
Masutatsu's user avatar
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How to handle 404 errors that look like SQL errors or hacking attempts?

I have an E-commerce site (built on OpenCart I'm using an SEO pack plugin that keeps a list of 404 errors, so we can make redirects. As of a couple of weeks ago, I keep seeing a LOT of 404s ...
TomJones999's user avatar
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Using BLOB's for Small Magazine - PHP / MySQL

I'm building a small magazine website which I plan on using daily, but I'm wondering if I should store my article images and videos as physical files or as BLOB in my MySQL Table. My primary concern ...
Wayne Six's user avatar
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Can files such as PDF and JPEG be stored in MySQL BLOBs to keep them off the webserver?

Situation: Users upload documents through web form and the documents are stored in MySQL (InnoDB) as MEDIUMBLOB. The rationality of this versus to store the original document on the webserver is the ...
Mr. Tanaka's user avatar
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Cannot connect to Wordpress MySQL on Fedora 25

On Fedora 25, I want to develop a Wordpress website. Here's a summary of what I did, but I still cannot get it to work and enter Wordpress management panel: 1- I started MySQL by running sudo ...
Mehdi Haghgoo's user avatar
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Create unique IDs between URL with nginx [closed]

I searched and tried nearly two weeks but don't get any useful result, so I'm trying my luck here before I get crazy: Every existing domain should get an unique ID right after the domain. The ID ...
Nintendo64's user avatar
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Cannot work with mysql Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.55, for suse-linux

An older TYPO3 (v4.4.15) database appears to corrupt a local sandbox MySQL 5.7 schema. The server hosting the CMS says $ mysql -V mysql Ver 11.18 Distrib 3.23.55, for suse-linux Details: Installing ...
geoB's user avatar
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Android webserver/mysql stops after some hours of activity (generates 503 status)

We have a number of Samsung android devices running Bit Web server or Kick Web server (and previously KSWeb) and have encountered a recent issue with the web server and mysql server processes being ...
Mike Howell's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating a board with thousands of forums

I would like to create a message board that has separate forums for each movie, each actor, each director, etc. With modern forum software, is having many thousands of forums like this impractical for ...
std_answ's user avatar
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Where can I find User/pass for SQL in PrestaShop website filesystem?

I have just inherited a website from a client who has no idea what their usernames and passwords are for anything. I had to fight the hosts to get access to her files but they are being quite unco-...
Ian Williams's user avatar
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Capturing a variable from a clicked link or url using php [closed]

I've build a php page called pageById.php that pulls in and displays data from a MySQL database, but the query is 'static'. $sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = 879"; I want to change this so it ...
Mr. B's user avatar
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How to create user in phpmyadmin to connect two servers?

IP my Website: and IP Database server is: How to create user account in phpmyadmin for the connection between the two servers? And how to edit this setting: ...
mySun's user avatar
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Manually insert text into existing MediaWiki table row?

I'm trying to update a page for a MediaWiki database running MW version 1.26.4. The MediaWiki is currenty suffering unexplained Internal Server Errors, so I am trying to perform an end-around by ...
user avatar
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Character set 'utf-8' is not a compiled character set and is not specified in the '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/Index.xml' file

We are trying to upgrade our MediaWiki software. According to Manual:Upgrading -> UPGRADE -> Manual:Backing_up_a_wiki, we are supposed to backup the database with: mysqldump -h hostname -u userid -p -...
user avatar
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How do I access MySQL console on wampserver 3?

How do I access MySQL console on Wampserver 3? With the earlier versions all you had to do was right click on the Wamp server icon and the option to access MySQL console shows up on the side but ...
stan's user avatar
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Enable remote access to MySQL server (Linux)

How can I enable remote access to my MySQL Debian server?
Petko's user avatar
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Is it unusual for a hosting company to refuse to update php and mysql?

I am helping another developer on a WordPress site that's for a committee. Which means everything must be decided upon by a bunch of people and not, like, 2. The site is using a WP theme purchased ...
Torque2's user avatar
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How much diskspace does a database take? [closed]

I'm looking for hosting at the moment for a wiki and wordpress site. Looking around it looks like most hosts offer a number of databases with a max size of 1GB. With this seeming to be the norm, ...
Terry's user avatar
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Google Analytics not same with my database records

I got a website which will track all the post's visitor view and store each of them in a table with IP address, referrer website and user agent. But I found that in one day I got 100+ rows (pageviews) ...
Ping's user avatar
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What are the options to gradually upgrade from shared hosting if the traffic to my site grows? [duplicate]

I have a site with php+mysql on shared hosting and it works well, has good traffic and I want to plan for the future when traffic to my site grows and shared hosting can't handle it. Since the code ...
Tom's user avatar
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I always wonder how this dynamic site content index very fast? [duplicate]

I am new to this field.Actually I am learning PHP/MYSQL.Five min before I asked a question in StackOverflow.And when I googling this suddenly my question appears.How does StackOverflow index very fast ...
vignesh warar's user avatar
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How can I migrate a phpBB3 forum from MySQL to PostgreSQL?

I have a phpBB3 forum running on a server with MySQL 5.5. I want to migrate the data to a PostgreSQL 9.3 database. I've looked at various guides and tools they were either Very old or Not specific ...
neuhaus's user avatar
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How do I replace a MySQL Database?

I created a database on the host server using PHPMyAdmin. I exported the database for local development and have since added data and changed the schema slightly. How can I replace the database on ...
mmcglynn's user avatar
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Possible to make virtual servers on hosted web server? [closed]

I own a debian root web server at an ISP. By own I mean, I rent the server with a package, I do not own the hardware and such. No plesk or anything else. All configuration is done by hand (well, a ...
yunzen's user avatar
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