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Questions tagged [matomo]

Matomo is an open source web analytics system that runs on a PHP/MySQL webserver.

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Is Piwik Pro a fork of Matomo? [closed]

Piwik PRO is web analytics software that is compatible with CNIL's recommendations. Piwik PRO is a Polish company which originally run on the open-source software Piwik; the project later renamed to ...
Nemo's user avatar
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Google AdWords "gclid" and Matomo [Offline Conversion Upload]

I recently set up a a Google AdWords campaign for a site. I've enable auto tagging so that Google could append it's "gclid" to the URL. All of the conversions happen offline, so I need the ...
T. Thomas's user avatar
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Tracking splits in behavior flow for a 'simultaneous' split test?

What do I have? A category page with multiple product cards such as below. The (highlighted in blue) thumbnail, title and a sticker on the top right are all clickable, and all lead to the same ...
ᴍᴇʜᴏᴠ's user avatar
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Matomo one click solution GDPR compliant settings

I'm using the latest Matomo self-hosted version. Is there a one click solution to set all settings to be GDPR compliant? (like import default settings for GDPR)
Tim's user avatar
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Piwik/Matomo Archive: Why are there three records for the month period?

I use a cron job to run the auto-archiving process for Matomo. It works great. I am analyzing some of the data and I noticed that when I filter the data in a numeric archive table for period 3 (which ...
joshmcode's user avatar
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How get download stats in Matomo analytics for static content that's served by my CDN (Cloudflare)?

I'm considering enabling Cloudflare for my site, which will make it so that static content is loaded from their servers instead of mine. If that's the case, how can I tally the request in our ...
mlissner's user avatar
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Matomo outputs "hostname X doesn't match Y"

Trying to import my webserver's log-files using results in the error: hostname X doesn't match Y. It retries to import the data but eventually gives up. The URL is set properly to the ...
dr0i's user avatar
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How can I see heatmap in Piwik? [closed]

I have installed and activated the ClickHeat plugin in Piwik. But I can't see any heatmap data in Piwik dashboard. Please see the below images.
Anoop T U's user avatar
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Piwik does not show stylesheets after moving its installation directory

I have moved my Piwik installation from to by just moving all the files via SSH and updating the trusted hostname in the configuration. ...
Martin Ueding's user avatar
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How to add font-face in piwik?

I install a piwik in my server. but i need add other font in piwik. I don't use google fonts in my piwik. How to add @font-face in piwik?
mySun's user avatar
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Piwik not recording visits on VPS server accessible through 1:1 NAT conversion

I am in the process of migrating a Drupal 7 website which uses Piwik (v. 3.0.3) to monitor visits. There are some differences between the two VPS servers, but nothing of consequence (Old server: ...
user247471's user avatar
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How can I track / discover low performing ("invisible") pages in PIWIK and/or Google Analytics?

Let's say I have a website with a couple of hundred pages – some performing well, others not so well. And then there are some pages that are what I would call 'invisible pages' – no visitors ever ...
tillinberlin's user avatar
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Where i can paste Piwik JS code in magento [closed]

I need to integrate piwik for my site. where i can paste my piwik java-script to my magento. Work-Out :: Copy and paste to SYSTEM->CONFIGURATION->GENERAL->DESIGN->Miscellaneous Scripts-> here But ...
Gem's user avatar
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Filter Piwik widget to only show data for current page

I am embedding a Piwik widget into my page so that when the widget is opened the end user can see page views for the specific page. The issue I am having is that the widget shows analytics data from ...
Chris Rutherfurd's user avatar
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Piwik - Average load times for mobile devices?

Is there a way in Piwik that I can check how long certain pages are loading for mobiles, either on average or by individual site visits? If not I would settle for a way to see average load times, if ...
connersz's user avatar
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Piwik Sum Pageviews and Searches

For my website the (internal) searches count on my website (mainly a specialized search engine) just as normal pageviews. Piwik however counts them separately. How can I tell piwik to sum both counts? ...'s user avatar
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Big difference between Google Analytics and Piwik

I have notice my Piwik visitors drop recently so I looked on Analytics which is my backup statistics and noticed that it is counting a lot more visitors than Piwik. Yesterday Piwik registered 5 ...
connersz's user avatar
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Getting spam sent through website, but visitor not logged

I'm getting spam messages send through my contact form on my website but the visitor is not logged at all in Piwik. Does this mean that they disabled Java? Would they purposely go through that effort ...
connersz's user avatar
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Is it possible to install Piwik and send it fake data to test its features?

I found Piwik as a good open source solution for website analytics. Is it possible to run Piwik and see its features using fake data rather than a live site? Not only the demo version which is ...
useruseruser's user avatar
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According to Piwik, many Facebook users appear to exit before page has loaded

I am using Piwik to monitor web stats and have noticed that it appears like some users click a link to my site and then close it before the page has even loaded. I have based this on the fact that ...
connersz's user avatar
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Piwik not recording site visits on remote server

I have two different web servers at the moment: Webserver 1 is hosting, this webserver hosts just basic website files, no databases or anything extra, just the html files. The pages ...
T. Thomas's user avatar
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Piwik visitor log spam

I use Piwik to track people visiting my website. Unfortunately a lot of the visitors that appear in the visitor log are not real people but spam bots. Normally, these bots use a provider from a ...
Andalur's user avatar
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Migrate Piwik Data

I currently have Piwik installed on with lots of data. This has been live for over a year so I would like to keep all of my stats. I have moved hosts now therefore also need to ...
jonboy's user avatar
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Tracking visitors: is it possible to know what site you visited next?

Let's say you visit my website you read one or two articles and then you type directly in your browser's address bar "" thus exiting my website. Conversely you were on ...
ℕʘʘḆḽḘ's user avatar
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How to deactivate Piwik locally?

Is it possible / how to deactivate the Piwik tracking for the local / dev project copy? It would work with something like <?php if (current environment is / is not ...) : ?> print (Piwik code); ...
automatix's user avatar
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Retroactively applying a Piwik goal to visitors

I started receiving a large (for me) amount of traffic on one of my pages yesterday. Today I thought that it would be useful to track goals from that page -- there's a link to my blog from it. I ...
Andrew Aylett's user avatar
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How can I track the "Traffic Sources" of "Unique Visitors" by Google Analytics?

Now I can only see the "Traffic Sources" of "Visits". But what I would like to know is the number of "Unique Visitors" from each referrals. But when I go to "Traffic Sources" -"Referrals" from the ...
chiba's user avatar
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Analytics Tracking and SEO

I'm using piwik on some of my websites and recently switched from google analytics. I find most of the stuff same on both analytics. But i always had this question in mind that what am i supposed to ...
Mahesh's user avatar
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Error when setting Piwik analytics

I've uploaded the latest version of Piwik unto my web server, which is hosted by go, on a linux hosting plan. I'm setting it up (accessing it from my browser as instructed) and I have the "...
user avatar
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Piwik vs. Google Analytics

I run both piwik and google analytics on my site. I have noticed that the google analytics data is totally wrong. It does not seem to register any hits while piwik does. What could be wrong?
txwikinger's user avatar
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