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Questions tagged [mail]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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helo_dynamic_ipaddr error and spam email

I'm trying to send an email from my domain's email which is hosted on a cpanel (without support) but I always get it in the spam folder (I send it to my gmail account for my test but here I am using a ...
Steve Moretz's user avatar
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Sending email via MailChimp with 2 different "from" emails causes vastly different stats

I have two domains: abc.example xyz.example Both have the same DMARC and DKIM DNS records (relative to their own domain), both have same scores when checking black lists, mail tests sites etc ...
pee2pee's user avatar
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Getting a TLS certificate for Exim and Dovecot that works with gmail

I have a CentOS 7 server that is running Exim and Dovecot for communicating on SMTP and POP3 ports. I want to configure them to use TLS to encrypt all data. I have already figured how to change the ...
stressed out's user avatar
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For creation of an appropriate SPF record, how can I find the IP address of the mail server used by a WordPress website on cPanel?

I have a WordPress website that is sending emails to me through a contact form. The From address in the emails uses the same domain name of the website. Currently the emails are being treated as spam,...
Highly Irregular's user avatar
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Differents mail accounts in differents servers [DNS]

I have my own domain which has MX Record handled by Outlook, where I only have 1 account ([email protected]), and I would like to use as many accounts as I wish ([email protected]) and handle ...
Mc Kernel's user avatar
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