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Questions tagged [load-time]

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What about img blob data affect for seo & client performance [closed]

in simple cms project with some picture lower 1mb , save all image as blob data in database (exp: sqlite) is good idea for files management... How does this affect SEO? for example on: pageload web ...
Alireza Dini's user avatar
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Why is my website loading so slowly on some requests?

I'm currently serving a website using Express on a Raspberry Pi 4B, hooked directly into a wireless gateway via ethernet. Unfortunately, while the website works fine most of the time, every few ...
In Hoc Signo's user avatar
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Which is more important in terms of SEO? TTFB or page fully loaded speed?

In terms of SEO, which is more important? Time to First Byte or page load speed? I ask because with Cloudflare our TTFB is 25% faster than without, but the time to fully load the page and its ...
Steve's user avatar
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How can I enable "Avg Page Load Time (sec)" and "Avg Page Download Time(sec)" in my Google Analytics?

I just read an article on Cloudflare. There is screenshot and two metrics are "Avg Page Load Time (sec)" and "Avg Page ...
AGamePlayer's user avatar
13 votes
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How to improve extremely slow page load time on a 23MB web page full of SVGs?

I have a webpage that is full of inline-SVG around 140+ inline SVGs! Just the HTML file size is 23MB, plus there is external CSS and JavaScript loading, though that is roughly only around 30KB. The ...
Syed M. Sannan - alt's user avatar
1 vote
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Prerendering vs. loadtime optimization

While loadtime optimization we turn many adjusting screws, which all have different efficiency and need different afforts. Is it not better to prerender all, or most important, pages and to guarantee, ...
Evgeniy's user avatar
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1k views believed to be slowing down my website

We recently are experiencing issues where our website is taking over a minute to load and when looking into the webpagetest results to see what can be causing the issue, a new (we believe it to be new ...
ne0nlight's user avatar
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Are static websites significantly faster than dynamic? [duplicate]

Lets say we have a blog site: METHOD #1 When an admin creates a new blog post, it will be added to the database. When a user loads the website, PHP will check the database for all posts. METHOD #2 ...
KarelRuzicka's user avatar
4 votes
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Opt out of performance monitoring on site hosted by GoDaddy

I have a website that is being hosted by GoDaddy. When I check at the browser's console for issues, I saw an error: DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for
Logan Wayne's user avatar
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Lazy Loading Images and Source Code

I have a question in regards to lazy-loading. To improve our site speed, we would like to convert all the images on our website to be lazily loaded. My question is since the images that are lazily ...
SEO Newbie 18's user avatar
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Pagespeed - Render Blocking Resources [closed]

I know there are a few questions on this but I was wondering where I can actually see the scripts that are blocking rendering. Pagespeed Insights will provide a few scripts and CSS, but is there a ...
Rob T's user avatar
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Start Time of Page Load in Page Timings in Google Analytics

What's the start event for the 'Page Load Time' in the 'Page Timings' report? I've read that GA uses NavigationTiming API. Is it v1? Is the start event performance.timing.navigationStart? Also, what'...
Mike Borozdin's user avatar
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Why does Google Pagespeed have two different meaurements for First Contentful Paint (FCP)?

I'm auditing the speed of some top pages on my site, and want to collect load time data so I can compare in the coming months. I'm using PageSpeed Insights to measure my pages, but I'm confused ...
James Randolph's user avatar
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Server time wait differs by the factor 10 on same server

I have two sites running on the same server. They use the same configuration (PHP version, WordPress settings, HTTPS, .htaccess rules etc.) While one site shows in Pingdom a wait time for images ...
user2516117's user avatar
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What do the browser performance acronyms "HRBR" "TTFCP" & "RTT" mean?

They're used in this article on resource hints: I can't find then used anywhere else though, nor ...
BanksySan's user avatar
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What does it mean to have "Web browser is waiting for data from the server" high on a speed test site. I have 21560.1s in wait time? [duplicate]

The web page took 22792 ms to load, used 119 requests, and weighed in at 1.7 MB. The Google Page Speed performance grade for this web page is 70/100. I'm looking to decrease my load times, but am ...
GReid's user avatar
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Should we improve time to first byte or Page Speed Insights score for SEO?

Google posted last summer that "page speed" will impact the search result rankings also on mobile devices. But I think there is a little confusion about the term "page speed". The test tool which ...
OASE Software GmbH's user avatar
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How to find which script is causing my website to keep loading

When loading my website in Google Chrome, I sometimes have the issue that the website just keeps loading. I think it has something to do with a request to Google Ads, but I'm not sture. I thought I ...
ThibaultG4U's user avatar
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Comparing Page Load Time

How can I save (for a later use in comparison) the page load results totals in chrome`s network panel. The totals are displayed on the status bar but I didnt find a way to save it. Is there a better ...
ramiwi's user avatar
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Template or flat file for CMS?

So it looks like most CMS uses templates, like WordPress or ghost or all other CMS uses templates. But we can still see some flat file CMS on the market. So what's the difference between them? Is ...
Andrew.Wolphoe's user avatar
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Why is serving cached content to logged in users against recommendations?

I am keen to get some more information on cached pages. I currently have a store through wordpress/woocommerce and use hummingbird to cache pages. On of the options is to opt to serve cached pages ...
SupGen's user avatar
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How do I make redirection faster to www-ed and slashed variant? [closed]

I have redirection from --> (making site with www prefix, using .htaccess) --> (to end links with slash /, because of WordPress ...
T.Todua's user avatar
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Optimisation test services allude to 'inline script block #5', what does this mean

Optimisation text services like Gmetrix and Pingdom Tools often provide feedback like 'inline script block #5', what exactly does this mean and how do you go about identifying and solving this problem....
toomanyairmiles's user avatar
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Long pause before loading my product thumbnails

I have a Wordpress website using WooCommerce, but my shop pages are really slow because it takes a very long time before my product thumbnails start to load. The page loads fine up till the moment ...
BarrieO's user avatar
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Long waiting time on page load may be caused by https?

As the screenshot show, there is 1.05s waiting time on page load and I have done some tests to figure it out that this is caused by https. I uploaded a plain html with just hello world and tested ...
Samuel L's user avatar
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With page load speed being a ranking factor, what speed optimizations do you recommend to prioritize? [closed]

My website has been becoming slow somewhere during development, according to visitors who emailed me, what speed optimizations do you recommend to priotize? Caching? CDN? Any input is very appriciated!...
Lupus_the_3rd's user avatar
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Placing javascripts at the page's bottom and HTTP/2

Does the placement of javascripts at the bottom of html document still gives any loadtime wins, if the site runs on HTTP/2?
Evgeniy's user avatar
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Will adding background images using JavaScript improve SEO?

I've read that Google ranks sites that render faster higher than slower ones. Will it be beneficial to add background images using JavaScript in order to get the page "loaded" quicker? I see multiple ...
ispiro's user avatar
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How to optimize the load time of initial connection and SSL handshake phase of a web page on a 3G network?

My website enabled) is hosted on Amazon EC2 shared hosting. It loads faster (load time < 2 seconds) on a wifi/broadband connection. Issue is on 3G network in mobile**(H mode and ...
User234334's user avatar
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How to find out javascript functions for above the fold?

There are plenty of tools to get css rules for above the fold (critical css path), like this one. But how could one find out, which javascript functions are needed for above the fold area? The ...
Evgeniy's user avatar
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Is there a way to measure specific dom loading time?

While there are so many web page and tools provided for measuring the time loading speed. They usually measure the response time, how many requests per page and so on? Say, if I have a webpage ...
西門 正 Code Guy - JingCodeGuy's user avatar
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Why does loading of an external "async defer" javascript code happen before page load?

Recaptcha recommends loading of its script like this: <script src="" async defer></script> I added this to the head section of the html document ...
Tom's user avatar
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Does Google value DOMContentLoaded or Load Time more as a ranking signal

I am working on a project to improve the performance of my sites web pages and by removing render blocking CSS and JS have halved the DOMContentLoaded time of some critical pages but have not reduced ...
BLL27's user avatar
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Base64 encoded data URIs for images? [duplicate]

I have been seeing people using base64 encoding on a few small icons and styles, but nothing too important like the content itself. I was wondering, is there an advantage to using base64 over a .png ...
Avail's user avatar
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Theme load speed - do a few seconds matter?

Here’s a questions for the devs and SEO guru’s … If we are looking at themes to help speed up the front end dev and design time on certain projects do we need to take into consideration the load speed ...
Paul's user avatar
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Why would my site load slower after I switched to https?

I bought and implemented an SSL certificate on my website and it seems to load a lot slower than before. Why does this happen and how can it be fixed?
Punct Ulica's user avatar
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Confused about missing width and/or height attributes

So I tested my site on and it said: The following image(s) are missing width and/or height attributes. I'm confused by this, because the images itself already have the correct ...
William's user avatar
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A light(er)weight twitter feed widget?

I'm using the "official" twitter feed widget, and I just noticed in Firefox's network inspector that it's adding +- 220 kB of data to my site at load time. 100 kB is the "widgets.js" file, the other ...
cannotcompute's user avatar
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Will asynchronous JavaScript affect SEO?

As page load time affects SEO ranking. In my site I am having some asynchronous JavaScript like AddThis, Google Translator which makes my page load time longer. I want to know whether is there any ...
bhupendra's user avatar
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What setting allows a PHP to run for more than 60 seconds under Windows FastCGI?

I have a PHP script which is timing out after 60 seconds. I have changed the following config values but they don't seem to have any affect: max_execution_time default_socket_timeout mysql....
FMC's user avatar
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What are the performance implications of loading static files as links vs. sending everything (including static files) inline

I was wondering what would be faster: Loading Static Files vs. Sending everything (including static files) in one HTML file? For example if I had a page that needs: jQuery font awesome CSS I ...
user3033017's user avatar
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According to Piwik, many Facebook users appear to exit before page has loaded

I am using Piwik to monitor web stats and have noticed that it appears like some users click a link to my site and then close it before the page has even loaded. I have based this on the fact that ...
connersz's user avatar
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Why is a www to no-www redirect so slow?

I'm quite new to running a website, and I've recently run my page through some page load time measurements to try and reduce load time. After scaling down my images etc, I find that the bottleneck ...
misaochan's user avatar
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HTTP over HTTPS speed

I did some a lot of reading around HTTP and HTTPS and suggested that my client implement HTTPS only. Site is on Alpha testing and URL is IP restricted, but on load testing we see that HTTPS takes ...
1 vote
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Joining and compressing all javascript files together - good idea?

Curently, I avoid loading any unnecesary scripts on individual pages of my site. I have a class that remembers all javascript files that were requested during PHP processing and adds them to HTML. I ...
Tomáš Zato's user avatar
7 votes
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How to make content load faster for mobile on a responsive design site?

So, I have a responsive design site. Studies say that for mobile devices we need to show a bit less content (graphics and such), and that we need to make sites load quicker for mobiles. If I set some ...
CamSpy's user avatar
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1Gb Video in high res: How to be downloaded in reasonable time into each user’s screen?

I have this 1 GB video in high resolution that I’ve uploaded to my Amazon S3 account in order to play it in my site. The video is an online class with the professor in video, talking and some text ...
Rosamunda's user avatar
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Page loading indicator

I have a page, and it takes a few seconds to load. I know, and I will make the site load faster (and not the question), but due to animations animating the site in, I am thinking of adding a page ...
code-zoop's user avatar
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Best way to optimize joomla cache. Difference between Global configuration cache and system cache plugin

I need to know for a Joomla site there is system cache plugin then there is global configuration setting to enable cache - how is it different from system cache plugin below are some of speed ...
Saahil Sinha's user avatar
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Gtmetrix shows high loading time for first domain waiting time. How to reduce it

I am wondering, why is my Domain taking long time to load? As per Gtmetrix timeline, first domain name propagation takes up to 953ms: Blocking - 53 ms Waiting - 843 ms Receiving - 57 ms Sometimes ...
Saahil Sinha's user avatar