Questions tagged [haproxy]

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Nginx + haproxy (or sslh) does not work without trailing slash in URL

Have a setup like the following: haproxy listening on 443 -> nginx listening on 4545 I have also tried this with: sslh listening on 443 -> nginx listening on 4545 This is on ubuntu server For ...
number9's user avatar
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haproxy with tls and ClientHello mesage with server_name extension

My goal is to configure haproxy as loadbalancer for multiple web servers with tls. I found some articles and it states that ClientHello message can contain extension with server_name. IIUC this is ...
Jiri B's user avatar
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3 answers

HAProxy as web server

Can HAProxy work as web server without other web server (e.g. Apache, NGINX) behind it? I was told for such configuration but I am not sure about the accuracy of the information.
i486's user avatar
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Cloudflare infinite redirect

Background I recently migrated my websites to an all Docker environment using haproxy as the front end load balancer. I have SSL certificates for all domains issued by Let's Encrypt and everything ...
bkvaluemeal's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

haproxy + Apache + virtual hosts -> wrong host is displayed

On CentOS 7.2.1511 Linux I have installed haproxy-1.5.14-3.el7.x86_64 and httpd-2.4.6-40.el7.centos.1.x86_64 packages. The /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg binds HAProxy to ports 80 and 443 and accepts HTTPS ...
Alexander Farber's user avatar
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How do I configure Haproxy and Apache when adding SSL?

Currently I am using Haproxy to route my application which has a websocket back end and an Apache back end. I have configured Apache's virtual host to use SSL. Now I'm confused like do I have to ...
Rajat Saxena's user avatar