Questions tagged [gzip]

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2 votes
2 answers

Google Search Console and sitemap-index file gzip

I googled for a long time and tried to find something at about gzip compression for sitemap INDEX files, but I couldn't find anything. I have a very large ...
56 votes
7 answers

Is there an easy way to see amount of compression in Chrome?

I am busy checking how my web server is doing gzip. I'm confident now that gzip is on as Chrome shows the content-encoding: gzip HTTP header. Is there a easy way to see how much a file was compressed ...
5 votes
0 answers

Problem using mod_deflate with ProxyPass

Using Apache 2.0 (2.0.53) on a particular legacy system, enabling mod_deflate causes directly-served content to be gzip-encoded just fine. However, and this is my problem, content proxied from another ...
47 votes
2 answers

What is recommended minimum object size for gzip performance benefits?

I'm working on improving page speed display times, and one of the methods is to gzip content from the webserver. Google recommends: Note that gzipping is only beneficial for larger resources. Due ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why does Pingdom Tools tell me to Compress components with gzip

On Pingdom Tools I get a message to Compress components with gzip. We use on Windows 2016 server (IIS10). I have set in web.config the following <httpCompression> <staticTypes&...
3 votes
0 answers

Nginx doesn't show a directory index unless I have the non-gziped index.html when I can just provide the .html.gz of other files

My site is full of pre-compressed gzip files. In all cases, except for the index.html file, I don't need the non-gzip versions. For example, if I have 1.html.gz, then I don't need to also have 1.html ...
2 votes
2 answers

Which MIME type to compress? and what If I omit the `type` attribute from the HTML?

Per my request, my webhost had turned mod_deflate ON. In my Cpanel I now have an "Optimize Website" button. Inside that menu I could either choose: "Compress all content" or "Compress the specified ...
6 votes
2 answers

How to disable gzip compression using htaccess

I want to disable gzip compression in my site using htaccess. I have the code below in htaccess: php_flag zlib.output_compression off But it is not working.
0 votes
1 answer

MediaWiki: Enable text compression

From a Google Pagespeed Insights test it seems my MediaWiki website lacks text-compression; reading about this, it seems I lack this because I don't have Gzip compression on. I Ran this gzip test and ...
3 votes
1 answer

Gzip not working on nginx CentOS despite configuration to enable it

gzip shows as not enabled on my vps site and not even the tech support of my host, asmallorange, can figure out the cause of my problem. I've documented my exact set-up (nothing more than this was ...
4 votes
1 answer

How do you serve Jekyll pages with gzip compression on GitLab Pages?

GitLab Pages doesn’t compress files automatically before sending them to clients. Is it possible to enable gzip compression when using Jekyll (or another static site generator) on GitLab Pages?
4 votes
1 answer

Why does "Disable Cache" in Chrome developer tools change the "content-encoding: gzip" response header?

What does the "Disable Cache" have to do with gzip and compression? How come if "Disable Cache" is checked the Response Headers shows content-encoding: gzip, but when "Disable Cache" is not checked(...
1 vote
1 answer

Chrome Developer Tools shows that gzip compressed data requires longer time than uncompressed

I'm new to the concept of compressing and gzip. So while I was trying to use chrome to test if enabling gzip on my host was a success I found something interesting. According to chrome, in the ...
25 votes
2 answers

Is gzip compression available for GitHub pages?

I'm using GitHub pages to host my site. While checking Google PageSpeed Insights, it recommends that I enable gzip compression. Since I have a static site hosted on GitHub, I'm not sure that is ...
5 votes
2 answers

10 megabyte gzip limit in AWS Cloudfront?

My website is a static blog of visualizations and I am serving it via AWS S3. Some of the visualizations use large CSVs, ranging from 1 megabytes to 20 megabytes. I've set up Cloudfront to ...
2 votes
1 answer

How do I configure gzip to work on External Resources

In order to do this I put code to .htaccess: <ifModule mod_gzip.c> mod_gzip_on Yes mod_gzip_dechunk Yes mod_gzip_item_include file .(html?|txt|css|js|php|pl)$ mod_gzip_item_include handler ^cgi-...
3 votes
1 answer

Allow cloudflare to gzip or apache?

Hi I read cloudflare gzips files as well. I have gzip enabled via htaccess Would you recommend I turn of apache gzip and instead let cloudflare do the gzip? Please assist Thanks!
54 votes
1 answer

Which browsers handle `Content-Encoding: gzip` and which of them has any special requirements on encoding quality?

I am creating a "hand made" HTTP 1.0, 1.1 server. I recently integrated zip lib so now I can stream encoded gziped data in and out. I wonder which major browsers (alive ones - IE6-IE10, Chrome, FF, ...
3 votes
4 answers

Enable gzip compression on Bluehost?

My website is loading large (~3mb) SVG file with jQuery. It takes quite a while therefore I decided to enable gzip compression. I have a hosting account with Bluehost which supports custom .htaccess ...
4 votes
4 answers

How can I tar.gz a huge directory on a shared host? The process keeps getting killed

I'm working on moving a site to a new host for someone and I'm having trouble with their media. They have a directory with thousands and thousands of images and videos. I attempted to zip this ...
7 votes
2 answers

Can I enable GZIP on Godaddy?

One of my sites lives on GoDaddy's bottom-of-the-line cheap hosting, I have the correct code in my .htaccess file, but it's not compressing because mod_deflate is not loaded. How do I enable that? ...
1 vote
1 answer

Are there any SEO benefits to gzipping sitemap.xml?

Are there any SEO benefits to serving up a compressed sitemap instead of just plain XML?
5 votes
1 answer

Does my origin's gzip compression level matter when it's behind CloudFlare?

Today I uploaded a sitemap.xml file to my site, then realised that my server wasn't set up to gzip .xml files. However, CloudFlare still gzipped it before sending to my browser. This got me wondering,...
1 vote
1 answer

Is it okay for url to end .html even if stored gzipped?

I have some html files stored on Amazon s3, some are quite large so the plan was to store them gzipped and return that as the encoding type when receive a request for them, is that how it works rather ...
12 votes
1 answer

If I only serve gzipped version of my content, should I add the vary accept encoding header?

I just moved a static site from a VPS to Amazon S3. I have decided to serve only gzipped version of my pages, since S3 is not a webserver I can't have logic based on headers. I also use Cloudfront as ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to combine GZip + CDN for faster page loads? [duplicate]

I made a Speed Test on my site via online tool. The tool recommended enabling compression to speed up the site. As far as I understand this requires some changes on server (already done by hosting ...
2 votes
1 answer

How can I get my website to enable gzip compression?

I'm currently trying to increase the speed of my website and I noticed that, when I run it through, I get a message that reads "your blog application doesn't support gzip ...
33 votes
3 answers

Should I use gzip for compressing my HTML?

I saw from an online tester that my HTML can be compressed about 90%! Is it good practice to use gzip or not? I see that lot sites don't use it. For me it would improve traffic, as some pages ...
1 vote
1 answer

Server gzip compression vs gzipped sitemap

My client's SEO guy said that search engines prefer gzipped sitemaps. They keep their sitemap in .xml.gz file. I was wondering if there is any difference for search engines between a gzipped "on-the-...
3 votes
9 answers

How do you enhance your websites speed without compromising the design and access?

How do you enhance your websites load speed without killing the design and accessibility? File compression, CDN, Gzip? What are the best tools for doing so? For example, Google has optimized their ...
5 votes
2 answers

using gzip to compress assets

I'd like to check if i understand gzip compression correctly, i learned about it only recently. I'm working on an asset manager for an HTML5 game currently. On my end as a front-end developer, i can ...
5 votes
2 answers

I want to use gzip compression in Apache

I want to enable gzip compression for Can anybody please tell me what is the best way of achieving compression in an Apache Webserver?
5 votes
1 answer

Is Cloudflare unzipping gzipped dynamic content?

I'm using Cloudflare for a small website that is frequently accessed from mobile phones where bandwidth usage is crucial. I used to gzip every php response and this reduced my bandwidth usage, however,...
5 votes
1 answer

Sitemap file getting double compressed

I have a script that generates my XML sitemap and writes it to the file sitemap.xml.gz - i.e. an XML file, compressed with gzip. This file is definitely written correctly as when I download it via FTP ...
4 votes
1 answer

.htaccess and gzip compression

i have question about GZIP compression, actualy my wordpress website doesn't have .htaccess to be able to use that feature, so can i create .htaccess file only for gzip, it won't change anything on ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can Amazon Cloudfront files be served GZIP'd?

If i'm running a WordPress website with the W3TC plugin installed, and have my static CSS/JS minified files hosted on Amazon's CDN, is there a way to serve them GZIP'd? I have the basic understanding ...
3 votes
2 answers

Bizarre image loading problem from apache2

Users have complained a few times about seeing a bizarre set of pink or green stripes on our webpage. At first I thought there were a rash of video card outages, but then someone sent me a screenshot ...
5 votes
1 answer

How should I reference precompressed versions of static files hosted with Amazon's S3?

I have a website that serves static assets (CSS, JavaScript, images) directly from Amazon's S3. As far as I know S3 does not support gzip even when browsers accept it. What problems might arise if ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to enable more file formats for GZIP/Deflate Compression

I enabled gzip/Deflate compression on our servers per Google's Page Speed directives, and it looks like it's now compression html/php files, but a couple file formats aren't being compressed that ...
1 vote
1 answer

how to best enable gzip compression on shared hosting

I must assume that this is a duplicate question, but I could not find the answer myself. I want to enable gzip compression to everything my website sends (mostly php, css, a slight bit of js). this ...
4 votes
1 answer

pre-gzipping files and serving to clients possible?

I understand that we can do some settings in .htaccess to allow gzipping on the fly. However is there anyway we could do it "not-on-the-fly"? I have a static file that I wish to serve gzipped, but I ...
4 votes
1 answer

Optimal GZIP compression level for static resources?

Is there a compression level which will provide an optimal balance between file size reduction and client decompression time/cost? I was wondering which GZIP compression level provided the best ...
2 votes
1 answer

One gzip test returns positive, one returns negative.

Can anyone help me figure this. If I use this compression test it tells me my site uses gzip. But when I run the yslow Firefox plugin it tells me my site does not use gzip. Has anyone came across ...
2 votes
1 answer

Gzip compress offline?

I've configured my site to serve compressed content by putting this line in .htaccess AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/javascript text/css application/javascript ...
6 votes
1 answer

Forced GZIP Detection on Google App Engine

Some clients are appearing on our Google App Engine instances without the Accept-Encoding header. We normally use the set a cookie with an appended iframe technique (or variation thereof) to detect ...
9 votes
3 answers

Proper use of Content-Encoding

I've heard it suggested that using setting a page's Content-Encoding to zip or gzip will drive down load times and reduce bandwidth. Is this worth implementing for the average site or only sites with ...
10 votes
3 answers

How do I ensure that my content is sent via gzip in Apache?

Is there some setting that I can search for in Apache configurations to make sure that all pages, CSS, and JavaScript are sent via gzip? Are they located in different places for different Operating ...