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Questions tagged [forms]

Interface elements that allow a user to input data.

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47 votes
10 answers

Why do websites have a contact form? isn't an email address enough?

What's reason behind having a contact form on a website, when a simple e-mail link is enough? Why do so many web sites have contact forms? Is it just a habit?
jao's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Does a contact form need to ask the user for explicit permission to be GDPR compliant?

I have read about GDPR compliance for forms, and from my understanding a contact form is compliant if it has: A tick box (unchecked) clearly saying we will contact you back regarding your query OR if ...
Learning's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Track subscription form that redirects to an external URL with Google Tag Manager

I have a Gravity Form subscription form that I am currently tracking by triggering an even on the confirmation page using Google Tag Manager. However, very soon this form will redirect to a page on a ...
dasickle's user avatar
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Big specialized complex forms for ordering/signing up

I sometimes get the offer to create these and it's always a maintenance hell. For example: a print shop wants a form so you can order your print work online. This mostly is a multiple step form ...
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