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Does server location and responsiveness affect SEO and how much? [duplicate]

I would like to ask if server location and responsiveness affect SEO and how much? If I would like to reach for example Czech republic audience, is it better to have hosting with company having ...
Mirek6's user avatar
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Does number of nameservers affect seo?

My domain service provider requires at least 2 of nameservers (DNS), but I can provide 4 of them. Will that make any difference in SEO?
marekfmx's user avatar
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Buyer wants to rent my domain - risk of 301 redirects and other issues?

I have a domain that has some value. It used to be a big site with a lot of backlinks and SEO ranking history. I tried selling the domain, but a buyer doesn't want to pay the asking price. He instead ...
Michael d's user avatar
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Can changing nameservers while keeping the same host impact SEO for websites?

I host several Italian sites in a Virtual Private Server (VPS) located in Italy. At the moment, most of the domains are registered by the same provider, so all the nameservers are located in Italy too....
GionaF's user avatar
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SEO Effects on sharing one nameserver for multiple websites on shared ips

We have a dedicated server and 5 shared IPs, and we are running around 20 websites on each shared IP. Our websites nature of business is same but each website belong to different country, For e.g., we ...
Swaranjit Singh's user avatar
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Does Google's algorithm look at a websites nameserver?

This might seem like a strange question but does Google's ranking algorithm look at what nameserver a website uses. For example, if it uses an enterprise dns provider does it rank higher? I appear to ...
John Wheal's user avatar
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Challenging nameserver problem

I really appreciate you reading this. I have spent close to 6 months putting my soul into creating my first ruby on rails app, and now my site is all buggered up SEO-wise and I'm really bummed. I'm ...
Tallboy's user avatar
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PageRank sharing between domains?

I own three domains, say..,, I have bought the .in and TLDs (Top Level Domains) only to protect the brand. But I have this question: If I make the other ...
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