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Is it possible to export an Azure Custom Vision model for lower running costs?

A customer has a webapp that is reliant on an Azure Custom Vision (ACV) model to recognise drawings sent in by users. Currently, ACV eats about 75% of the budget for this webapp and the customer is ...
Thomas Bakken Moe's user avatar
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How do VPN providers save on bandwidth? [closed]

The cost per GB of bandwidth for most cloud providers such as AWS is about 10c per GB. If that is the case then assuming each user uses on average, 300GB per month, VPN providers will need to pay ...
lbj99's user avatar
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Why do "premium domains" cost so much? Is it just a domain squatting racket perpetrated by the registrars? [closed]

Lately I've been brainstorming small business names with some clients. It seems as though anytime they come up with a particular name, we check the domain name it will often be available but as a "...
jhilgeman's user avatar
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Azure - Subscription End Date for Free Products for 12 Months and Costs appearing for free products also

I have signed up on Azure portal and received $200 credit for first 30 days and some free products for 12 months, my free subscription has ended after 30 days and I upgraded to Pay as you go ...
Hamza Khanzada's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Why TLD domains cost different amounts

Not considering how the same domains are different prices at different providers, I'm wondering why different TLDs are different prices. For example, you might find this: .com: $15 .net: $10 .co: $5 ....
HareSurf's user avatar
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Google Analytics report for the advertising cost of an event label

I have a problem with Google Analytics report that I'm trying to do. I've set up some signups on my forms as Events. These are recorded correctly in the Behaviour reports, that show event actions and ...
Ke.'s user avatar
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20 votes
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Why are the new TLD's so expensive?

Recently new TLD's such as .actor, .agency and many more were introduced. There is a significant price difference between the 'old' and new TLD's. For example: I can buy a .com for $9.45 but .ceo ...
William's user avatar
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What determines domain value?

I want to buy a domain but everywhere I go they tell me that domain costs $ 4000 who or what determines the value of this domain and why is it so high?
skmasq's user avatar
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How many users should a site have before using advertising? [closed]

I have a small hobby web site that acts as a friend finder for folks with similar hobby interests. So far I have avoided advertising of any kind to keep from having a negative impact. But recently ...
Maelish's user avatar
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Is there a free default limit for the Google App Engine Socket API?

I'm calling a URL to get json data from another web site in my Google App Engine application. Then i received bellow message. The Socket API will be enabled for this application once billing has ...
Bishan's user avatar
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High cost of making a website? [closed]

There was a rumor about the US's HealthCare website costing around $600 million to create. I looked online, and found that to be a myth, and the real number to be in the range of $93-175 million ...
Honinbo Shusaku's user avatar
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Import and edit AdWords cost data

I am trying to follow the instructions at this Analytics help page, and I cannot find the "Apply cost sources" box required in step 7. Has this been moved? Is it still necessary to link my Analytics ...
Micah Alcorn's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I cap cloud-costs?

I am looking into launching a cloud-based product for consumers where with a prepaid account they can start a server with a simple click and load up the software and access it remotely. The technical ...
Joe Simpson's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Cost of using SSL

I am wondering on the cost of using SSL sitewide. It would be for a standard LAMP site. I know that this will be dependent on the many factors but, can some give me an 'average' or 'guesstimate!'. By ...
Zac's user avatar
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5 votes
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Costs of hosting static files on Google App Engine

I am considering using GAE as a kind of CDN, to host an entire static website. Soon they will start using new pricing. Does every site visitor start a frontend-instance? What will be the cost ...
user380448's user avatar
2 votes
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is there a standard template for a website proposal

i am putting together a website for someone and i wanted to see if there is a standard template to use that includes: pricing (by hour, page or project) expected bug fixes costs for hosting and ...
leora's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Google AdSense - set minimum CPC?

I have a sports site. It was making like $0.75 per click for couple of months. Now suddenly, average CPC has dropped to $0.5 or even $0.4. Sometimes, I even see $0.2 or $0.08 per click. Is there an ...
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Server cost/requirements for a web site with thousands of concurrent users?

I'm working on a big project, and I do not have much experience with servers and how much they cost. The big project consist of a new table game for online playing and betting. Basically, a poker ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Cost effective way to provide static media content

I'd like to be able to deliver around 50MB of static content, either in about 30 individual files up to 10MB or grouped into 3 compressed files, around 5k to 20k times a day. Ideally I'd like to put ...
user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Website Hosting costs

I am developing a website for a client and I am trying to find out what I should be charging them for hosting the site. Is there a standard price these days?
Brian Boyle's user avatar