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Mixing hosting providers

Is there any benefit from using all the services from 1 hosting provider (like Firebase) vs. mixing and matching? For example,: Option 1: I host my React app on Netlify, but use Firebase for ...
Pieter Pienaar's user avatar
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Uploading images for Wordpress in AWS Elastic Beanstalk application

How do I go about uploading images in an AWS Elastic Beanstalk Wordpress Application? I am using the high-availability method from this tutorial. It's a large WooCommerce website and I have 2gigs ...
Seb G's user avatar
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How can I calculate the maximum cost of an instance or prevent clients from exceeding pre-paid limits?

I am considering moving various VPS servers I mange on behalf of clients to AWS (EC2). However, I would require a fixed monthly cost to estimate what I would charge my clients for the hosting/support ...
Flash's user avatar
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Hosting options for running a daily run python script which creates a CSV file? [duplicate]

I wish to run a Python script that daily pulls in some prices and creates a CSV file from them. What web hosting and cloud options exist to do this. The script will only run for literally seconds ...
me9867's user avatar
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Is there a use case for not employing Elastic Beanstalk? [closed]

Being fairly new to the AWS ecosystem, is there any reason I wouldn't want to use Elastic Beanstalk for my python+django+yeoman web app (still being prototyped, but want to be ready to scale quickly ...
Lèse majesté's user avatar
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How to spread XML Sitemaps over several webservers behind AWS loadbalancer?

We have a web portal with almost a million products and way more other urls. I wrote a script that checks database. If there is a new url needed or an old one update, this script will update/create ...
Jurik's user avatar
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What kind of website can be run on AWS for 10, 100, 1 thousand, 10 thousand, 100 thousand, 1 million dollars per month?

The AWS pricing is quite complicated. I am aware that every website is different and require different types of AWS services. But is there a simple way to say that for 10$ per month you can run ...
user652061's user avatar
2 votes
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Simultaneously host website on multiple platforms?

Is it possible to host my site that sells T-Shirts on multiple services simultaneously e.g. AWS EC2 (or Heroku) & my personal box (let's call it MyBox)? I would typically serve ...
user's user avatar
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Scaling a cloud-based ecommerce site

I'm researching cloud services to host an e-commerce site. And I'm trying to understand some basics on how they are able to scale things. From what I can gather from AWS, Rackspace, etc documentation:...
Zhao Li's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Is Amazon the cheapest cloud provider? [closed]

On AWS, bandwidth costs as little as $0.08 per GB and storage costs as little as $0.055 per GB. Are there any providers that charge less? These numbers end up being very costly for a web site that ...
Mark13426's user avatar
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