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Conversion Actions tab showing 'unverified' status

I have implemented the phone call conversion tracking code for my real estate website, as follows. As instructed in Google ads guidelines, I have added the below code in <head></head> ...
Surya subramaniyan's user avatar
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AdWords parallel tracking - what does it mean for me?

I'm using Google Ads (aka. Google AdWords) to market my website and Android application in Google search results. Today I received an email that says Starting October 30, 2018, parallel tracking will ...
Magnus's user avatar
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Does changing campaign names in AdWords mess up "Clicks to Sessions - rate" in Google Analytics

Does Google Analytics import AdWords data from connected accounts for every querried report anew? The reason I'm asking is, that I get a Clicks and Sessions Discrepancy warning in Google Analytics ...
SomewhereDave's user avatar
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How to track in Google Analytics registrations coming from Google AdWords ads?

I created a campaign in Google AdWords and some ads in it and gave them URLs like mydomain.tld/registration/?utm_campaign=mycampaing&ad=x mydomain.tld/registration/?utm_campaign=mycampaing&ad=...
automatix's user avatar
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Discrepancies between visits recorded in analytics and clicks reported in AdWords

According to analytics, there were only 730 visits on the page. According to AdWords, there were about 1200 clicks on the ad. How can I track what is going on? Shouldn't I have the same number of ...
cauchi's user avatar
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Basic tracking of conversion from Adwords using referrer, is it possible? (both Ads in SERP and in Content Network)

Reading in AdWords Help it seems the only way to track clicks to my site from AdWords is to use the Google code snippet. If I don't want to use such snippet, and simply track the referrer, can we say ...
Marco Demaio's user avatar
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