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Questions tagged [authentication]

Authentication is commonly understood as the act of asserting a user's or entity's identity, although in the wider sense it can refer to asserting the truthfulness of any kind of claim. Authentication, like encryption, is a major component in implementing computer security.

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5 votes
2 answers

CDN for authenticated sites

We have a site that requires users to sign into. Typical stuff. Today, all the content (dynamic and static) is behind the login process, and you cannot access any of the pages or files via a URL ...
mohlsen's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

OpenID, Gmail, Facebook, Yahoo login for Wordpress

Is there somethink like this for free for wordpress?
ilhan's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to use cookies in a secure manner to authenticate users?

In most cases I like using cookies to remember returning users to my websites. In my early/foolish days, I would store a UserID (auto-increment integer) in a cookie and if the user returned I would ...
jessegavin's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How do I setup authentication on a specific folder using .htaccess?

I have a folder that I want to host files privately on my webserver. How do I go about making it password protected using .htaccess? Note: Nothing monolithic, I want something that is simple/easy so ...
Evan Plaice's user avatar
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