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Does using web analytics tools other than Google Analytics put my sites at a disadvantage in Google SEO?

I've been opting for an open source lightweight alternative to Google Analytics on my websites lately. Could this hurt my rankings or 'click-through-rate' on Google search results, even if I register ...
Schquestoning's user avatar
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Google Analytics: How to find the URLs accesed through organic traffic?

I'm trying to analyze the traffic through the organic searches in order to determine which URLs are the most "popular" through search engines. And would like to find such URLs. In my Google Analytics ...
Hookstark's user avatar
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Tracking Keyword user used to get to website

Is there a way we can add the ability to track what keywords the user has used to end up on our website? i.e. If they type in Software into google and our site pops up in the SEO list, when they click ...
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