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Questions tagged [1and1]

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Unable to see file in certain folder but can elsewhere

I am in the process of trying to verify a Let's Encrypt SSL cert on a clients Wordpress site hosted on 1and1. However, the file is apparently not found/fails to verify. I have placed other files in ...
hiauk's user avatar
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My clients name isn't shown in Whois

My client's name isn't shown in whois nor nor any otheer whois service though I didn't make the domain private, the name, the address, and ...
Lynob's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Accidently changed CNAME entries for "autodiscover" and "_domainconnect", will that hurt my website?

I am an absolute noob in web development, but I have a Wordpress site and while I was trying to verify my website for Youtube, I made a mistake and changed 2 CNAME entries on my (german ...
Florian Walther's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Site hosted with 1and1 redirects to defaultsite

I purchased Linux hosting from I added a domain registered elsewhere as an external domain to my account. I changed the DNS settings. I set up a home page for my site. When I ...
Sam Hobbs's user avatar
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How can I redirect both HTTP and HTTPS for a domain hosted on 1and1 to GitHub?

I recently bought a domain from 1and1. I then redirected it to my GitHub page, (e.g., to using 1and1's Domain Center (see the screenshot below): Now I need ...
foo's user avatar
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1 answer

Heroku app + 1and1 domains - Custom domain name switches back to default heroku app's domain on click within the web app

The issue Hey guys, I'm having some issues concerning my website ( ). The issue is that although the custom domain works upon first entering the website, for some ...
Carlos Lahrssen's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I link a subdomain in 1and1 with a OVH hosting?

I have bought a domain ( in 1and1 where I have my main website, this website is hosted in 1and1. On the other hand I have a VPS server hosted in OVH. And I have Odoo installed in that ...
ChesuCR's user avatar
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Is there an effect on root domain email if subdomain CNAME changed?

I am about to move my website from 1and1 to Shopify, but 1and1 will remain the domain manager. The website transfer requires me to create a subdomain in 1and1 that is directed to Shopify and also ...
Mike Salazar's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to deploy a Django app at 1and1?

I'm trying to deploy a Django app, and I tried to follow the tutorial at, but it fails at the third command. Is it possible to deploy a Django app on my 1and1 hosting or will I ...
Psddp's user avatar
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Determining DKIM Selector and Key Values for my domain, hosted on 1&1 [closed]

I have a client that is with 1&1 (yeah, I know). He's asked me to set up SPF and DKIM records for his domain. I am not experienced with email configuration (I'm just a lowly web developer) but I ...
Kev's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to have domain point to github pages?

So I have a domain registered with 1&1 and I recently decided to create my website using GitHub pages. I added as GitHub told me to, but how can I make my domain point to my GitHub page?
idude's user avatar
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DNS redirect not working for some site visitors

I have a site hosted with VidaHost ( on a webspace-only package, and a number of domain names registered with 1and1. The site is built on a Wordpress install with a custom ...
DavidArmstrong's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

1and1 Domain and Heroku - Too many Redirects

I have an App hosted on Heroku, Domain and DNS Target is <appname>, as usual. My 1and1 Domain <domain>.net is set up to HTTP-redirect to www.<domain>.net. I added the ...
user53213's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Getting root access in 1and1 hosting?

I need to install Java and ANT on my 1and1 hosted web server but can't get it to work. I'm very unfamiliar with Linux terminal commands. I've tried sudo and su commands but apparently they don't ...
idn's user avatar
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963 views SPF records with 3rd party DNS

Putting this out there in case it helps someone else. My Google results on this didn't yield any direct hits. I needed a cheap replacement email host, and picked I rapidly found that ...
Jeff Burns's user avatar
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1and1 SPF record not found [closed]

I am seeing the spf txt file in my dns settings but when running an mx toolbox test it is not finding the record. Does anyone have a fix? Thanks
Rich Devman's user avatar
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Trying to resolve my DNS records to use mandrill

I've got myself confused over DNS records and need to understand what I need to do first for my situation. My domain name is hosted by one provider. The nameservers are currently pointing to the ...
Ray's user avatar
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1 answer

Permanent redirect domain to www subdomain without web.config

I've just set up a site via 1and1 and have run into an issue, I want to accomplish the simple task of redirecting the root domain to the www sub domain however due to complications I cant seam to ...
Lord Simpson's user avatar
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Why are some Shared Web Hosting configuration changes delayed?

I have used several shared web hosting packages over the years, however, more recently I have encountered issues that have me questioning the purpose of delays in configuration changes. The web host ...
Jesse's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I register DNS under an IP with a subdomain on 1&1?

I have a server on the website, and I want to register another domain like with DNS from Can I do something like this on 1&1 domain ...
Snarky Theman's user avatar
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403 Forbidden on Images on my subdomains

I am pulling my hair out after multiple back and forths with 1and1 support both via email and telephone. I've setup multiple subdomains via the 1and1 control panel and that looks to work fine. The ...
Keefer's user avatar
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2 answers

1and1: Unable to host an external domain

I'm sorry if this isn't the right place for this question, but I'm presently having difficulties with my hosting provider (1and1). Two weeks ago, two of my clients bought hosting from them on my ...
Django Reinhardt's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

APC on 1and1 shared hosting?

Is anyone aware of a way to use APC on a 1and1 shared hosting account? They don't have the pecl extension installed by default.
takteek's user avatar
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3 answers

Which PHP hosting is better GoDaddy or 1and1? and Also domain mangement [closed]

I own a domain on GoDaddy and I bought a hosting plan from 1and1. Now my subscription is going to end and I want to renew it, but I also want to choose only one company for my web site to have both ...
Ahmed Magdy's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Blogger and Google App hosting at naked domain using 1&1

My web hosting is through 1& I'm trying to set up both blogger and Google Apps mail at the naked domain. I was able to get blogger set up on the www. version of the site by simply creating ...
Senseful's user avatar
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