I would like to deny archive.is from having access to my website. (I do not want this website to cache mine without my consent).

Do you know if it is possible?

5 Answers 5


Okay. This is a new one (to me at least) and quite interesting so far. I will not get into the weeds on this.

When I wrote this, I was working on little or no sleep. I missed a few things which @unor has kindly pointed out and so I must temper my answer and give credit where credit is due. Thank you @unor!

Archive.is is registered to Denis Petrov who is using a Google webhost account on IP address [AS15169 GOOGLE - Google Inc.] according to Domain Tools though I have it on [AS57043 HOSTKEY-AS HOSTKEY B.V.]. It is likely that the host company has recently changed.

Archive.today is also owned by Denis Petrov and is similar to Archive.is if not identical. For the purpose of this answer, I will address Archive.is and you can assume that it applies to Archive.today. Archive.today does exist on another IP address [AS62160 GM-AS Yes Networks Unlimited Ltd]. Please understand that Denis Petrov owns 70 domains. Without digging deeper, it is possible that there are more sites to be concerned about. I will provide blocking code for all three IP addresses.

Archive.is is user directed. It is assumed that you are archiving your own page. Other than this scenario, Archive.is can be considered as a content scraper spam site.

Archive.is is walking a dangerous line. It is using other sites content through single page scraping. Ultimately, the original content's search potential is at least diluted and potentially usurped altogether. Worse yet, the original site is not cited as the originator of the content. Archive.is uses a canonical tag, but it is to it's own site/page.

Example: <link rel="canonical" href="http://archive.is/Eo267"/>

This coupled with the lack of controls over who is submitting a site and whether they have the right to the site, the lack of clear take-down information, and the somewhat fuzzy and potentially weak contact mechanism, Archive.is has the potential for real trouble.

You can find out more IP address information here: https://www.robtex.com/#!dns=archive.is

How to block by IP address

Using Cisco Firewall.

access-list block-78-108-190-21-32 deny ip any
permit ip any any

**Note: You can replace the [provided acl name] with the ACL name of your choice.

Using Nginx.

Edit nginx.conf and insert include blockips.conf; if it does not exist. Edit blockips.conf and add the following:


Using Linux IPTables Firewall. **Note: Use with caution.

/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP

Using Microsoft IIS Web Server

<rule name="abort ip address block" stopProcessing="true">
 <match url=".*" />
   <add input="{REMOTE_ADDR}" pattern="^78\.108\.190\.21$" />
 <action type="AbortRequest" />

Using Apache .htaccess.

RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^78\.108\.190\.21$ [NC]
RewriteRule .* - [F,L]

How to block by IP address

Using Cisco Firewall.

access-list block-46-17-100-191-32 deny ip any
permit ip any any

**Note: You can replace the [provided acl name] with the ACL name of your choice.

Using Nginx.

Edit nginx.conf and insert include blockips.conf; if it does not exist. Edit blockips.conf and add the following:


Using Linux IPTables Firewall. **Note: Use with caution.

/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP

Using Microsoft IIS Web Server

<rule name="abort ip address block" stopProcessing="true">
 <match url=".*" />
   <add input="{REMOTE_ADDR}" pattern="^46\.17\.100\.191$" />
 <action type="AbortRequest" />

Using Apache .htaccess.

RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^46\.17\.100\.191$ [NC]
RewriteRule .* - [F,L]

How to block by IP address

Using Cisco Firewall.

access-list block-104-196-7-222-32 deny ip any
permit ip any any

**Note: You can replace the [provided acl name] with the ACL name of your choice.

Using Nginx.

Edit nginx.conf and insert include blockips.conf; if it does not exist. Edit blockips.conf and add the following:


Using Linux IPTables Firewall. **Note: Use with caution.

/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP

Using Microsoft IIS Web Server

<rule name="abort ip address block" stopProcessing="true">
 <match url=".*" />
   <add input="{REMOTE_ADDR}" pattern="^104\.196\.7\.222$" />
 <action type="AbortRequest" />

Using Apache .htaccess.

RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^104\.196\.7\.222$ [NC]
RewriteRule .* - [F,L]

You may need to block more than one IP address from any set of code. That is not clear.

  • Very informative! I 100% agree with you, but I'm afraid this website uses more IP addresses. You notice this when you archive a page providing the IP of the visitor (like wtfismyip.com/). So far I have found: 2a01:4f8:190:5388::2:2, 2a01:4f8:190:6388::2:2, 2a01:4f8:190:638c::2:2,,,, Commented Dec 26, 2015 at 14:08
  • Another one: 2a01:4f8:190:6396::2:2. I would like to block all IPv6 addresses beginning with "2a01:4f8:190:". Do you know how I could do that? Thank you! Commented Dec 26, 2015 at 14:15
  • When I faced this problem a year ago, I emailed Denis a copyright takedown notice to webmaster-at-archive-dot-is and was pleasantly surprised to see all offending content removed the next day. Was just going to post this as another answer, but I checked his site and see my content is back up! I now have solid proof of knowing, wilful copyright infringement. Ah well, IPTables it is then. He was with OVH last year and they've been very helpful with past issues, not sure where he's hosted just now though. Commented Dec 26, 2015 at 16:14
  • Also, see this related Q&A from Superuser last January: superuser.com/a/868368 (note different IPs used then, so this will require constantly monitoring and updating your blocklist to remain effective...). Commented Dec 26, 2015 at 16:27
  • 1
    "Archive.org, which is a similar site, has been sued many times and lost" To which cases do you refer? Google archive.org loses copyright lawsuit didn't seem to turn up relevant articles about rulings. Commented Dec 26, 2015 at 18:47


Archive.is does not use a bot that autonomously crawls pages (e.g., by following hyperlinks), so robots.txt does not apply, because it’s always a user that gives the command to archive a certain page.

For the same reason, services like Google’s Feedfetcher (Why isn't Feedfetcher obeying my robots.txt file?) and W3C’s Validator (details) don’t obey robots.txt.

See the archive.is FAQ: Why does archive.is not obey robots.txt?

meta-robots / X-Robots-Tag

I’m not sure if archive.is should (ideally) honor the noindex or noarchive value in meta-robots/X-Robots-Tag, or if these technologies also apply to autonomous bots only. But as archive.is doesn’t document it, they don’t seem to support it currently.

(FWIW, each archived pages seem to get a <meta name="robots" content="index,noarchive"/>.)


archive.is doesn’t document that a certain User-Agent is used (they probably don’t identify themselves, to get the pages as if viewed by a usual browser), so you can’t use it to block their access on the server-level.

Blocking their IP addresses

So as neither robots.txt nor meta-robots / X-Robots-Tag work here, and you can’t block them via their User-Agent, you would have to block accesses from archive.is IPs. See closetnoc’s answer about IP blocking, but note that this might block more than intended, and you might never catch all of their IPs (and/or keep up to date).

Side note: Report function

Each archived version links to a form where you can report possible abuse (append /abuse), e.g., with the reasons "SEO Issue" or "Copyright". But I don’t know if or how they handle these cases.

  • I was working on no or little sleep and fully missed a few things that you rightly point out. As a result, I tempered my answer. Duh! I did get a little carried away as I sometimes can do. ;-) Ooopppsss!! It is still a bit over the top. I appreciate your answer here. I wish I could up-vote to make this the top answer. I advise people to vote for this answer with their mouse if they agree with my sentiment.
    – closetnoc
    Commented Dec 27, 2015 at 0:36

To block the disgusting stealing practices of archive.is (ignoring robots.txt, overriding link canonical, fake user agent, no way to perform a site-wide removal), I want to add the following to the solutions above.

Find their IP-addresses

To find their ip-addresses, submit a url to them that is under your control so that you can monitor your web server logs to see who accessed it that url. The url doesn't even have to exist, as long as the web server receives the request. (So it is better to use a non-existing empty page/url.) For example, use an url like: http://example.com/fuck-you-archive.is

Then check your logs to see who accessed the url. You can use grep to check it:

grep "fuck-you-archive.is" web-server-log.txt

Once you have the IP-address, you can block it using the solutions from the other answers. And then repeat the process again to find other IP-addresses they use. You need to specify a different url, to make them perform a HTTP request again, for example, simply change http://example.com/fuck-you-archive.is to http://example.com/fuck-you-archive.is?2 etc.

In case you don't want to expose your website at all when trying to find their IP-addresses, you may want to use this handy HTTP request website: https://requestb.in The steps to perform are: create a RequestBin > submit the "BinURL" to Archive.is with "?SomeRandomNumber" appended to the BinURL > use the "?inspect" of RequestBin to monitor the incoming request from Archive.is and see their IP-address in the "Cf-Connecting-Ip" HTTP header. (Make sure you don't submit "?inspect" url to Archive.is.) Than repeat to find other IP-addresses by changing "?SomeRandomNumber" to another number.

Block their ip addresses

Note that with IP-tables you can block using

/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP

but often the 'INPUT' chain is set to a 'DROP' policy with acceptance of HTTP traffic. In that case, you may need to use a prepend (insert) operation instead of append operation, otherwise it isn't blocked at all:

/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP

However, they have alot of IP-addresses, so it may be easier to block complete IP-ranges. You can do this conveniently with IPTables (without the need to specify subnetmasks) using:

iptables -I INPUT -m iprange --src-range -j DROP

This range ( is for a large part owned by them, because I have seen multiple addresses between and

Send an abuse complaint to their web host

They are currently using NFOrce as web host. See https://www.nforce.com/abuse to how to make a complaint about Archive.is. Mention: 1) your webpage url that archive.is has stolen, 2) mention the url at archive.is that contains the stolen content, and 3) mention the IP-addresses that they used.

Also you may want to complain at Cloudflare, their CDN, which caches their stolen pages and images for performance reasons. https://www.cloudflare.com/abuse/


As we can see, archive.is is using DNS anycasting.

If you use different nameservers (e.g. from https://www.lifewire.com/free-and-public-dns-servers-2626062) you currently (2018-09-10) get different ip addresses for "archive.is" (dig @NAMESERVER archive.is A)

I used abuse-contacts.abusix.org (https://www.abusix.com/contactdb) to get the abuse contacts for these ip addresses:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

As Cloudflare reported, archive.is is abusing their "services" by using a DNS A-record which has no functionality!


Also consider Contacting the registrars at www.isnic.is, Iceland's Domain Registry. isnic at isnic dot is

Iceland has copyright law, and the Registry recognizes it. The Registry has existed since the late 1980s, and is not under ICANN.

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