If I have a website with a structure like this:
- www.example.xyz/
- www.example.xyz/product1/
- www.example.xyz/product2/
- www.example.xyz/about/
- order.example.xyz
- admin.example.xyz/
- www.example.xyz/forum
And Google Analytics is only integrated on the sites above the line. In the examples below the line, the analytics code is not integrated.
And then a user enters the website at root level, browses the site, clicks a few links, moves between products and THEN click on a link to the forum(where analytics is not integrated). He browses through the forum a bit and comes back to the main page.
Would Google Analytics count this as a new session? Even when the time spent between going to the forum and coming back to the site was less than 30 minutes?
If yes, wouldn't this completely destroy all statistics(Bounce Rate, Sessions etc.)?