I set up a VM with 1and1.com and registered a domain. I'm running an app (Jira) that runs on its own Tomcat instance but I have set up URL Rewriting based on this article so that IIS can handle the requests from subdomains.
I navigated to the new subdomain and it loaded properly (much to my joy) but when I clicked the very first link to navigate around the site I got the Chrome phishing "red screen of near-death".
Is this simply due to the URL rewrite? If so, is there a way around it? If not, how else could this have happened? The server is literally less than 24 hours old and the subdomain wasn't even an hour old.
Update So I used the "Hey I'm not phishing" form that Google provides and 20 minutes later I don't get the warning on my site anymore. I'm still curious how this happened so quickly and if I do something to avoid it. My confidence in my configuration is shaken.